Latitude and Longitude of Christmas Island


What is the Latitude and Longitude on Christmas Island?


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July 5, 2011 at 3:10 PM


Latitude of Christmas Island is:-10.5 and Longitude of Christmas Island is: 105.6667

Discovered by William Mynors in 1643, the beautiful Christmas Island is an overseas territory of Australia in the Indian Ocean. The Christmas Island quite scarcely populated. With an area of 135 square kilometers, it is home to a population of just over 1400 people. The Christmas Islands was a territory of British previously until they transferred the dominion to Australia in 1957.

Amethysts went exploring the island in 1857. They found it easy until they tried reaching the highest elevation. The narrow and vertical cliffs were impassable. Past few decades have seen people migrating to the island from countries like Indonesia and Norway.

The government of Christmas Islands is administered by Australia, which provides the government with commonwealth-level government service. The inhabitants of Christmas Island are Australian citizens and they are allowed to vote in commonwealth elections.

Christmas Island is home to some unique variety of animals and plants. Red-footed Boobies are the most beautiful looking birds found here. The humid atmosphere allows the growth of Orchids and Fems. Some species of plants that grow here are Colubrina pedunculata, Grewia insularis,, Phreatia listeri and few others.

The Christmas Islands have a tropical climate. Hot summers are moderated by winds from the ocean waters, while winters are mild and dry.

A place less populated and even lesser explored, Christmas Island has been arousing curiosity among people.

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