Latitude and Longitude of Austria

Can you give me some information on Austria and also it's Latitude and Longitude?


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June 30, 2011 at 4:25 PM


Latitude of Austria is:47.3333 and Longitude of Austria is: 13.3333

Surrounded by beautiful mountains, Austria, officially called Republic of Austria, is home to a population of around 8,404,250 people. Spread over an area of approximately 83,855 square kilometers, the country of Austria is entirely landlocked. Its geographical coordinates are 47.3333 and 13.3333. Austria is also the starting point of Alps mountain range. Eastern Alps make up for 62% of the country?s entire area.

Set against the spectacular backdrop of the beautiful hills, flows the longest river of Austria, named Danube. Waters from other major rivers like Drau and Enns add up to Danube. When it comes to lakes, Lake Constance is the most beautiful lake and a treat to the eyes.

Whilst Austria is cold in winters, Temperature in summers is relatively warmer, which makes it very pleasant for the inhabitants as well as the tourists who come here to get soaked into the surroundings.

Its capital city Vienna is home to some amazing architecture that is a base of beautiful cathedrals, bridges and parks built around the city. In terms of the Economy, Austria is at par with the most developed and richest nations of the world due to a very sound economic system. Education has definitely played the most important role in the growing economy.

Austria's culture can be felt by being witness to the incredible art and music, which have been historically very significant. The country has given birth to music writers of the likes of Joseph Haydn, Johann Strauss, Franz Schubert and so many others.

Take out some time and immerse yourself in the exotic aroma of Austria.

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