dynamically add listener to a SWT widget


I am using SWT technology for my project,there is mail facility, i want attachment of multiple files.first link is created, but other links have to be generated dynamically as we do in gmail,and there should be a listener for every link.here is the code..

final Link attachLink = attachFileLink(linkCanvas);
        attachLink.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener() {
          public void handleEvent(Event event) { 
             String path = null;
                path =  fileSelector(parent.getShell());
                if(path != null && !path.equals("")) {
                     Button checkBox = new Button (linkCanvas , SWT.CHECK);
                     if(sNo < 5) {
                         anotherLink[sNo] = attachFileLink(linkCanvas);
        final Listener attachLinkListsner = new Listener() {
            public void handleEvent(Event event) {
                String path = null;
                if(event.text.trim().equals(CommandIds.ATTACH_ANOTHER_FILE)) {
                    path =  fileSelector(parent.getShell());
                    if(path != null && !path.equals("")) {
                         checkBox[sNo] = new Button(linkCanvas , SWT.CHECK);
                         if(sNo < 5){
                             anotherLink[sNo] = attachFileLink(linkCanvas);

but how to add listener to anotherLink, beacause it will be created after clicking on the first link.If there is any other way to attach muliple files to a mail, then please let me know. i have searched on google a lot, but i din't find out the right one.


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