How to delete and update from Jtable cell in swing app

Hii Sir, I am developing a swing app for adding,updating and deleting from jtable cells to database but i am getting following problems

  1. Whenever i click on delete button on selecting particular row which has to be deleted then last row is getting removed from the jtable but selected row is getting deleted from the database . I want to remove and delete the same row which is selected for the dletion.

  2. updation is happening for state column only and not happening for id,First name,Last name etc..

My Database column structure is :presid(int),firstname(varchar),last name(varchar),state(varchar),date(date).

plz sir help me to solve this problem.I am posting my code. Thanx in advance.


import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;

import java.sql.*; import java.text.ParseException;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;

public class Lesson38 extends JFrame {

static JLabel lFirstName, lLastName, lState, lBirthDate;
static JTextField tfFirstName, tfLastName, tfState, tfBirthDate;
static java.util.Date dateBirthDate, sqlBirthDate;
static ResultSet rows;
// Holds row values for the table
static Object[][] databaseResults;
// Holds column names for the table
static Object[] columns = {"ID", "First Name", "Last Name", "State", "Birth Date"};
// DefaultTableModel defines the methods JTable will use
// I'm overriding the getColumnClass
static DefaultTableModel dTableModel = new DefaultTableModel(databaseResults, columns) {

    public Class getColumnClass(int column) {
        Class returnValue;

        // Verifying that the column exists (index > 0 && index < number of columns

        if ((column >= 0) && (column < getColumnCount())) {
            returnValue = getValueAt(0, column).getClass();
        } else {

            // Returns the class for the item in the co6lumn  

            returnValue = Object.class;
        return returnValue;
// Create a JTable using the custom DefaultTableModel
static JTable table = new JTable(dTableModel);

public static void main(String[] args) {

    JFrame frame = new JFrame();

    // A connection object is used to provide access to a database

    Connection conn = null;

    try {
        // The driver allows you to query the database with Java
        // forName dynamically loads the class for you


        // DriverManager is used to handle a set of JDBC drivers
        // getConnection establishes a connection to the database
        // You must also pass the userid and password for the database
        conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/techsoft", "root", "techsoft");

        // Statement objects executes a SQL query
        // createStatement returns a Statement object

        Statement sqlState = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,

        // This is the query I'm sending to the database

        String selectStuff = "Select pres_id, first_name, last_name, state, birth from president";

        // A ResultSet contains a table of data representing the
        // results of the query. It can not be changed and can
        // only be read in one direction

        rows = sqlState.executeQuery(selectStuff);

        // Temporarily holds the row results

        Object[] tempRow;

        // next is used to iterate through the results of a query

        while ( {

            tempRow = new Object[]{rows.getInt(1), rows.getString(2), rows.getString(3), rows.getString(4), rows.getDate(5)};

             * You can also get other types 124 * int getInt() 125  * boolean
             * getBoolean() 126 * double getDouble() 127    * float getFloat()
             * 128  * long getLong() 129    * short getShort() 130
            // Add the row of data to the JTable                     
    } catch (SQLException ex) {

        // String describing the error

        System.out.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());

        // Vendor specific error code

        System.out.println("VendorError: " + ex.getErrorCode());
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        // Executes if the driver can't be found

    // Increase the font size for the cells in the table

    table.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 15));

    // Increase the size of the cells to allow for bigger fonts

    table.setRowHeight(table.getRowHeight() + 12);
    // Allows the user to sort the data


    // Adds the table to a scrollpane

    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);

    // Adds the scrollpane to the frame

    frame.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    // Creates a button that when pressed executes the code
    // in the method actionPerformed

    JButton addPres = new JButton("Add President");

    addPres.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            String sFirstName = "", sLastName = "", sState = "", sDate = "";
            // getText returns the value in the text field

            sFirstName = tfFirstName.getText();
            sLastName = tfLastName.getText();
            sState = tfState.getText();
            sDate = tfBirthDate.getText();

            sqlBirthDate = getADate(sDate);

            try {

                // Moves the database to the row where data will be placed                       

                // Update the values in the database

                rows.updateString("first_name", sFirstName);
                rows.updateString("last_name", sLastName);

                rows.updateString("state", sState);
                rows.updateDate("birth", (Date) sqlBirthDate);

                // Inserts the changes to the row values in the database


                // Directly updates the values in the database

            } catch (SQLException e1) {


            int presID = 0;

            try {

                // Go to the last row inserted and get the id

                presID = rows.getInt(1);
            } catch (SQLException e1) {


            Object[] president = {presID, sFirstName, sLastName, sState, sqlBirthDate};
            // Add the row of values to the JTable



    JButton removePres = new JButton("Remove President");

    removePres.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            // Will remove which ever row that is selected

            try {
                // Moves the database to the row currently selected
                // getSelectedRow returns the row number for the selected row

                // Deletes the selected row from the database

            } catch (SQLException e1) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block


    // Define values for my labels           
    lFirstName = new JLabel("First Name");
    lLastName = new JLabel("Last Name");
    lState = new JLabel("State");
    lBirthDate = new JLabel("Birthday");

    tfFirstName = new JTextField(15);
    tfLastName = new JTextField(15);
    tfState = new JTextField(15);
    // Set default text and size for text field

    tfBirthDate = new JTextField("yyyy-MM-dd", 10);

    // Create a panel to hold editing buttons and fields
    JPanel inputPanel = new JPanel();

    // Put components in the panel


    // Add the component panel to the frame

    frame.add(inputPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

    // When the user clicks on a cell they'll be able to change the value

    table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {

        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) {
            String value = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter Cell Value:");

            // Makes sure a value is changed only if OK is clicked

            if (value != null) {
                table.setValueAt(value, table.getSelectedRow(), table.getSelectedColumn());

            try {
                // Move to the selected row

                rows.absolute(table.getSelectedRow() + 1);

                // Get the name of the selected column
                String updateCol = dTableModel.getColumnName(table.getSelectedColumn());
                // Previous to Java 1.7 you couldn't use Strings in a Switch
                // If you get an error here it is because you aren't using Java 1.7

                switch (updateCol) {

                    // Uses a different update method depending on the data type

                    case "birth":
                        sqlBirthDate = getADate(value);
                        rows.updateDate(updateCol, (Date) sqlBirthDate);

                        rows.updateString(updateCol, value);
                        System.out.println("Current Row: " + rows.getRow());


            } catch (SQLException e) {
                // Commented out so the user can delete rows
                // e.printStackTrace();                 }

    frame.setSize(1200, 500);


// Will convert from string to date
public static java.util.Date getADate(String sDate) {

    SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

    try {
        dateBirthDate = dateFormatter.parse(sDate);
        sqlBirthDate = new java.sql.Date(dateBirthDate.getTime());
    } catch (ParseException e1) {


    return sqlBirthDate;


} `

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