Related Tutorials/Questions & Answers:
if we have 2 struts-config files - Strutsif
we have 2 struts-
config files if
we have declared
2 struts-config.xml
files with same action mapping and forward? what will happen. if
we have...,
we cannot
have 2 struts-config.xml
files. In one case
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Compare 2 filesCompare
2 files I would like to compare
2 files in Java. please send... to compare these
files and print the diffrence by comparing the report name... file 1 and
2. The file name will normally be the last 16 characters of a line
Do we have AI yet?Do
we have AI yet? Hi,
I am beginner in Data Science and machine learning field. I am searching for
the tutorials to learn:
we have AI yet... the
topic "Do
we have AI yet?". Also tell me which is the good training
can we use include files in struts.....? - Strutscan
we use include
files in
struts.....? hi,
have a doubt that whether
we should not redirect from one jsp to another jsp directly using include r jsp:include directives. I heard that it is violation of
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Struts 2 configuration filesStruts 2 configuration
For developing "Hello World" application
you need the following
files... Configuration File:
Struts 2 uses the struts.xml file for
filesfiles Question:How to create a new text file in another directory..(in which
.class file is not there)...
we use the class FileWriter to write data to a new file
then a new file
filesfiles write a java program to calculate the time taken to read a given number of
files. file names should be given at command line.
...[]=new String[
for(int i=0;i<f.length;i++){
Struts 2 Login ApplicationExamples of writing and testing Login Applications in
Struts 2 framework... of storing the user details
in the website.
So, in the step by step tutorial
Login Form in
Struts 2.3.16
Generate Image Files
Generate Image
This section illustrates you how to generate image
files. For this,
we have
used the class ImageIO which provides methods for locating ImageReaders
Struts 2 Tutorials - Struts version Here
we have discussed the improvements and
bug fixes in the
Struts 2...
Struts 2 Tutorials -
Struts version
Struts 2 Tutorials covered in this section is developed using the latest
version of
Struts 2 framework. Latest
Struts 2 Date Format ExamplesStruts 2 Date Format Examples
In this tutorial you will learn about Date Format function in
Struts 2.
Struts 2 Format Date Example!<
Struts 2Struts 2 we can extend DispatchAction class to implement a common session validation in
struts 1.x. how to do the same in the struts2
use is of 2use is of
2 why
we use
2 in "Integer.parseInt(str,2);" for binary to decimal conversion..??
ya i got it... because binary contain only two o and here use
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Struts 2 Login ApplicationStruts 2 Login Application
Struts 2 Login Application
In this section
we are going to develop login application based on
Struts 2
Framework. Our current login application
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struts 2 and need to do the task.
have a requirement like this :
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Introduction to Struts 2 Tags. In this page
we will
listed all the
Struts 2 Tags and in subsequent sections
Struts 2 Tags
In this section
we will introduce you with the tags
provided along with
Struts 2 framework
header files header
files do you
have a all header
files of java
Magicbox 2Magicbox
2 how to build this?
import java.util.*;
class magicbox...;
2]==15 &&
2]==15 &&
2]==15 &&
Struts 2Struts 2 I am getting the following error.pls help me out.
Struts dispatcher cannot be found. This is usually caused by using
Struts tags without the associated filter.
Struts tags are only usable when the request has
new 2new
2 <%@page import="java.util.ArrayList"%>
Struts 2 datetimepicker Example
Struts 2 datetimepicker Example
In this section
we will show you how to develop
datetimepicker in
struts 2.
Struts 2 uses the dojo toolkit for creating date
picker. In
Struts 2 its very easy
Uploading filesUploading files Hi,
Please provide html code for my question.
I need to insert the browsed
files temporarily to text area while attaching more than one
files during mailing
validation filesvalidation files If I place validation
files in the folder where the action classes are present,will there any error arise
Creating configuration files Creating configuration
For the application,
we need two
files in WEB-INF folder...
Make sure you
have these two
otherwise you need to create them.ADS
Introduction to Struts 2. This section
we are discussing the new features,
struts 2
basics and architecture..._TO_REPLACE_2
we are explaining the architecture of
Struts 2 Framework.
Struts 2...Introduction to
Struts 2
Architecture of Struts 2 FrameworkArchitecture of
Struts 2 Framework
In this chapter
we will discuss about the Architecture and Lifecycle of
Struts 2.
Struts 2 Architecture is based...
have specific roles and responsibilities.
Struts 2 framework is Open source
Struts 2 Date Examples
In this tutorials you will learn about Date Format function in
Struts 2.
have provided...
Struts 2 Date Examples
In this section
we will discuss the date processing
functionalities available in the
Struts 2 Comparing the File Dates we have the option to
compare two or more
files. This is useful when
we have... to understand
To make a program on this example firstly
we have to
make a class ComparingFileDates. Inside the class
we have defined three static
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Definitions and Components
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have defined it according to their uses,
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Web 2. Descriptive list of Web 2.0 tools are
endless even though
we can say that the new... uses it by default as they
have no knowledge about it. Overall, many people
Echo 2
2 allows you to code Ajax apps in pure Java (Demo)which automatically
generates HTML and Javascript.
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Mozilla?s Thunderbird
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