use struts 1.0 to view sql table value on JSP page

Here i am using struts 1.0 to view my sql table values on jsp page. But the problem is when i append the value in bean then i find the last row of table is shown repetedly. Any one have solution for this please help me.

AzAddNewCustomerAction .java

package aquazone;

import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;

import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;

import java.sql.Statement;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;

public class AzAddNewCustomerAction extends Action{

  public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
                               ActionForm form,
                               HttpServletRequest request,
                               HttpServletResponse response)
  throws Exception
    AzAddNewCustomerBean azAddNewCustomerBean=(AzAddNewCustomerBean)form;

    String userId=azAddNewCustomerBean.getUserId();
    String userName=azAddNewCustomerBean.getUserName();
    String mobileNumber=azAddNewCustomerBean.getMobileNumber();
    String bookingDate=azAddNewCustomerBean.getBookingDate();
    String addressStreet=azAddNewCustomerBean.getAddressStreet();
    String addressCity=azAddNewCustomerBean.getAddressCity();
    String addressDistrict=azAddNewCustomerBean.getAddressDistrict();
    String addressPostalCode=azAddNewCustomerBean.getAddressPostalCode();
    String deliveryAddressStreet=azAddNewCustomerBean.getDeliveryAddressStreet();
    String deliveryAddressCity=azAddNewCustomerBean.getDeliveryAddressCity();
    String deliveryAddressDistrict=azAddNewCustomerBean.getDeliveryAddressDistrict();
    String deliveryAddressPostalCode=azAddNewCustomerBean.getDeliveryAddressPostalCode();
    String buttonValue=azAddNewCustomerBean.getButtonValue();

    ResourceBundle resourceBundle=ResourceBundle.getBundle("MessageResources");
    String userIdMissingError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.userIdMissing");
    String userNameMissingError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.userNameMissing");
    String mobileNumberMissingError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.mobileNumberMissing");
    String mobileNumberLengthError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.mobileNumberLength");
    String bookingDateMissingError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.bookingDateMissing");
    String bookingDateFormatError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.bookingDateFormat");
    String addressStreetMissingError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.addressStreetMissing");
    String addressCityMissingError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.addressCityMissing");
    String aaddressDistrictMissingError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.aaddressDistrictMissing");
    String addressPostalCodeMissingError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.addressPostalCodeMissing");
    String addressPostalCodeLengthError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.addressPostalCodeLength");
    String deliveryAddressStreetMissingError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.deliveryAddressStreetMissing");
    String deliveryAddressCityMissingError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.deliveryAddressCityMissing");
    String deliveryAddressDistrictMissingError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.deliveryAddressDistrictMissing");
    String deliveryAddressPostalCodeMissingError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.deliveryAddressPostalCodeMissing");
    String deliveryAddressPostalCodeLengthError=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomerError.deliveryAddressPostalCodeLength");

    String searchButton=resourceBundle.getString("");
    String nextButton=resourceBundle.getString("");
    String modifyButton=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomer.modify");
    String deleteButton=resourceBundle.getString("azAddNewCustomer.delete");

    String dateFormatPattern="[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4}";

    Connection connect = AzDAOConnect.daoConnect();
    ArrayList<AzAddNewCustomerBean> list = new ArrayList<AzAddNewCustomerBean>();

        Statement  statement  = connect.createStatement();
        ResultSet resultSet=statement.executeQuery("select * from azaddnewcustomer");

        while ( 
      catch (Exception e)
        System.out.println("Check my error: "+e);

    if(userId.length()<1 || userId==null)
    else if(userName.length()<1 || userName==null)
    else if(mobileNumber.length()<1 || mobileNumber==null)
    else if(mobileNumber.length()!=10)
    else if(bookingDate.length()<1 || bookingDate==null)
    else if(!(Pattern.matches(dateFormatPattern,bookingDate)))
    else if(addressStreet.length()<1 || addressStreet==null)
    else if(addressCity.length()<1 || addressCity==null)
    else if(addressDistrict.length()<1 || addressDistrict==null)
    else if(addressPostalCode.length()<1 || addressPostalCode==null)
    else if(addressPostalCode.length()!=6)
    else if(deliveryAddressStreet.length()<1 || deliveryAddressStreet==null)
    else if(deliveryAddressCity.length()<1 || deliveryAddressCity==null)
    else if(deliveryAddressDistrict.length()<1 || deliveryAddressDistrict==null)
    else if(deliveryAddressPostalCode.length()<1 || deliveryAddressPostalCode==null)
    else if(deliveryAddressPostalCode.length()!=6)
            String azAddNewCustomerQuery = "{call AzAddNewCustomerProcedure(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}";
            CallableStatement callableStatement = connect.prepareCall(azAddNewCustomerQuery);
        catch (Exception e)
          System.out.println("Check my error: "+e);
            String azAddNewCustomerQuery = "{call AzUpdateNewCustomerProcedure(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}";
            CallableStatement callableStatement = connect.prepareCall(azAddNewCustomerQuery);
        catch (Exception e)
          System.out.println("Check my error: "+e);

AzAddNewCustomerBean .java

package aquazone;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;

public class AzAddNewCustomerBean extends ActionForm {

  private String userId;
  private String userName;
  private String mobileNumber;
  private String bookingDate;
  private String addressStreet;
  private String addressCity;
  private String addressDistrict;
  private String addressPostalCode;
  private String copyAddress;
  private String deliveryAddressStreet;
  private String deliveryAddressCity;
  private String deliveryAddressDistrict;
  private String deliveryAddressPostalCode;
  private String buttonValue;
  private String warning;
  ArrayList<AzAddNewCustomerBean> list = new ArrayList<AzAddNewCustomerBean>();

  public String getUserId()
  public void setUserId(String userId)

  public String getUserName()
  public void setUserName(String userName)

  public String getMobileNumber()
  public void setMobileNumber(String mobileNumber)

  public String getBookingDate()
  public void setBookingDate(String bookingDate)

  public String getAddressStreet()
  public void setAddressStreet(String addressStreet)

  public String getAddressCity()
  public void setAddressCity(String addressCity)

  public String getAddressDistrict()
  public void setAddressDistrict(String addressDistrict)

  public String getAddressPostalCode()
  public void setAddressPostalCode(String addressPostalCode)

  public String getCopyAddress()
  public void setCopyAddress(String copyAddress)

  public String getDeliveryAddressStreet()
  public void setDeliveryAddressStreet(String deliveryAddressStreet)

  public String getDeliveryAddressCity()
  public void setDeliveryAddressCity(String deliveryAddressCity)

  public String getDeliveryAddressDistrict()
  public void setDeliveryAddressDistrict(String deliveryAddressDistrict)

  public String getDeliveryAddressPostalCode()
  public void setDeliveryAddressPostalCode(String deliveryAddressPostalCode)

  public String getButtonValue()
  public void setButtonValue(String buttonValue)

  public String getWarning()
  public void setWarning(String warning)

  public ArrayList<AzAddNewCustomerBean> getList()
    return list;    
  public void setList(ArrayList<AzAddNewCustomerBean> list)


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
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    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
    <title><bean:message key="azAddNewCustomer.azAddNewCustomerTitle"/></title>
      function copyAddressFunction()
        var copyAddressVar = document.getElementById("copyAddressVar");
        var addressStreetVar = document.getElementById("addressStreetVar");
        var addressCityVar = document.getElementById("addressCityVar");
        var addressDistrictVar = document.getElementById("addressDistrictVar");
        var addressPostalCodeVar = document.getElementById("addressPostalCodeVar");
        var deliveryAddressStreetVar = document.getElementById("deliveryAddressStreetVar");
        var deliveryAddressCityVar = document.getElementById("deliveryAddressCityVar");
        var deliveryAddressDistrictVar = document.getElementById("deliveryAddressDistrictVar");
        var deliveryAddressPostalCodeVar = document.getElementById("deliveryAddressPostalCodeVar");

        if (copyAddressVar.checked)
          deliveryAddressStreetVar.value = addressStreetVar.value;
          deliveryAddressCityVar.value = addressCityVar.value;
          deliveryAddressDistrictVar.value = addressDistrictVar.value;
          deliveryAddressPostalCodeVar.value = addressPostalCodeVar.value;
          deliveryAddressStreetVar.value = null;
          deliveryAddressCityVar.value = null;
          deliveryAddressDistrictVar.value = null;
          deliveryAddressPostalCodeVar.value = null; 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    <html:form action="/actions/azAddNewCustomer">
        <bean:message key="azAddNewCustomer.userId"/>
        <html:text property="userId"/><br>
        <bean:message key="azAddNewCustomer.userName"/>
        <html:text property="userName"/><br>
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        <html:text property="mobileNumber"/><br>
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        <html:text property="bookingDate" styleId="bookingDate"/><br>
        <bean:message key="azAddNewCustomer.address"/><br>
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        <html:text property="addressStreet" styleId="addressStreetVar"/><br>
        <bean:message key="azAddNewCustomer.addressCity"/>
        <html:text property="addressCity" styleId="addressCityVar"/><br>
        <bean:message key="azAddNewCustomer.addressDistrict"/>
        <html:text property="addressDistrict" styleId="addressDistrictVar"/><br>
        <bean:message key="azAddNewCustomer.addressPostalCode"/>
        <html:text property="addressPostalCode" styleId="addressPostalCodeVar"/><br>
        <html:checkbox property="copyAddress" styleId="copyAddressVar" onclick="copyAddressFunction()"/>
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        <bean:message key="azAddNewCustomer.deliveryAddress"/><br>
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        <html:text property="deliveryAddressStreet" styleId="deliveryAddressStreetVar"/><br>
        <bean:message key="azAddNewCustomer.deliveryAddressCity"/>
        <html:text property="deliveryAddressCity" styleId="deliveryAddressCityVar"/><br>
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        <bean:message key="azAddNewCustomer.deliveryAddressPostalCode"/>
        <html:text property="deliveryAddressPostalCode" styleId="deliveryAddressPostalCodeVar"/><br>
        <bean:write name="azAddNewCustomerBean" property="warning" filter="false"/><br>
        <html:submit property="buttonValue">
          <bean:message key=""/>
        <html:submit property="buttonValue">
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        <html:submit property="buttonValue">
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        <html:submit property="buttonValue">
          <bean:message key=""/>
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        <%@taglib uri="" prefix="logic"%>
        <logic:iterate name="azAddNewCustomerBean" id="azAddNewCustomerBean" property="list">
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            <bean:write name="azAddNewCustomerBean" property="bookingDate"/>
            <bean:write name="azAddNewCustomerBean" property="addressStreet"/>
            <bean:write name="azAddNewCustomerBean" property="addressCity"/>
            <bean:write name="azAddNewCustomerBean" property="addressDistrict"/>
            <bean:write name="azAddNewCustomerBean" property="addressPostalCode"/>
            <bean:write name="azAddNewCustomerBean" property="deliveryAddressStreet"/>
            <bean:write name="azAddNewCustomerBean" property="deliveryAddressDistrict"/>
            <bean:write name="azAddNewCustomerBean" property="deliveryAddressPostalCode"/>  
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