How to show next question from database on the click of next button..(Struts & Hibernate)


I am facing this problem since 3 days..

I have 2 tables. Cards and CardTopics. cardtopic(field) is common to both the tables.

Problem.: When m clicking my next button it is not showing another question from "cards" table.

passing parameter from viewalllists.jsp to flashPage.jsp

<td>Â <%=description%></td>
<%-- <td>Â </td>  --%>
<td class="vtd" align="center" >
<a href="<%=Id%>"><img src="images/edit-icon.png" title="Click Here To Update This Lists" alt="Click Here To Update This Stream"></a>
<a href="<%=Id%>"><img src="images/delete-icon.png" title="Click Here To Delete This Cards"  alt="Click Here To Delete This Cards"></a>
    <a href="<%=Id%>&tname=<%=topicname%>&pageName=1"><img src="images/play.jpg" width="32" height="32"/></a>

next jsp called:flashPage.jsp

    Document   : home
    Created on : 23 Mar, 2011, 12:00:22 PM
    Author     : Ashutosh

<%@page import="com.ebhasin.flashcards.beans.Cards"%>
<%@page import="java.util.Iterator"%>
<%@page import="java.util.List"%>
<jsp:useBean id="getCards" class="com.ebhasin.flashcards.daos.viewAllCardsService"/>
            /*****************************************   Session Login Details Start Here  ***********************************/
            String userName = (String) session.getAttribute("userName");
            String password = (String) session.getAttribute("password");
            Integer loginId = (Integer) session.getAttribute("loginId");
            Integer userTypeId = (Integer) session.getAttribute("userTypeId");

            if ((userName == null) || (password == null) || (loginId == null) || (userTypeId == null)) {

<jsp:forward page="index.jsp"/>
<%     } else {
                /*****************************************  Session Login details End Here  ***********************************/
                       String pageName = request.getParameter("pageName");
                      if (pageName == null || pageName.equals(""))
            <jsp:forward page="index.jsp"/>
            <%            }

<%@page contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="logic" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="tiles" %>

<!-- header page includes here -->

<html:html lang="true">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

       <table border="1" width="100%" height="100%">
           <td height="10%" bgcolor="silver" align="Right">
           <font size="6">Welcome <font color="green"> <%=userName%></font> </font> Â Â Â Â Â 
           <td height="6%" align="center">
           <tiles:insert page="/jsps/menu.jsp" flush="true"/>
       <%if (pageName.equals("1")) {%>
              <div style="height: 600px;overflow: auto;" >
               <table border="0" width="100%" align="left" height="100%">
                       <td width="20%" bgcolor="silver">Â </td>
                       <td width="30%" height="30px" valign="center" align="center" background="">
                                  String CardTopicId = request.getParameter("cardtopicId");

                                  /*Getting Cards with the Particular TopicId*/
                                  int a=Integer.parseInt(CardTopicId);
                                  List list1 = getCards.getCardsQuestionByTopicId(a);
                                                      int Id1 = 0, count=1;
                                                 String answer = null, question = null;

                                               Iterator iterator1 = list1.iterator();
                                                         Cards get1 = (Cards);
                                                         Id1 = get1.getCardId();
                                                         question= get1.getQuestion();
                                                         answer = get1.getAnswer();

                                 /*Getting Card Id with the particular TopicId Ends Here*/

                                  int cardTopicid=Integer.parseInt(CardTopicId);
                                  int cardid=Id1;

                                   /*Comparing  Card id with the Particular TopicId*/
                                  List list = getCards.getCardsByTopicIdandCardId(cardTopicid,cardid);
                                  if (list.size() == 0)
    <font size="9" color="red"><br><br><br><br>Â Â Â Â Â Â Sorry!No Question to view.</font>
                         <%                  }
                                                 int Id = 0;
                                               Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
                                               if (iterator.hasNext())
                                                         Cards get = (Cards);
                                                         Id = get.getCardId();
                                                         question= get.getQuestion();
                                                         answer = get.getAnswer();

                                   /*Comparing  Card id with the Particular TopicId Ends Here*/


                          <h1> Â Â <a href="<%=Id%>&pageName=2"><%=Id%><%=question%></a></h1>
                          <a href="<%=++Id1%>&pageName=1&cardtopicId=<%=CardTopicId%>">  <img src="images/next1.jpeg" width="90" height="30"/>  </a>

                        <% count++;  }  
                                   } %>

                        <td width="20%" bgcolor="silver">

                                        <% } else if(pageName.equals("2")) { %>
              <div style="height:600px;overflow: auto;" >
               <table border="0" width="100%" align="left"  heighT="100%">
                       <td width="20%" bgcolor="silver">Â </td>
                       <td width="30%" height="30px" valign="center" align="center"  background="">
                                 String vid = request.getParameter("tid");

                                                  int id=Integer.parseInt(vid);
                                                 List list = getCards.getCardsCardid(id);
                                                 int Id = 0, count=1;
                                                 String answer = null, question = null;

                                                 Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
                                                  while (iterator.hasNext())
                                                         Cards get = (Cards);
                                                         Id = get.getCardId();
                                                        question= get.getQuestion();
                                                         answer = get.getAnswer();

                          <font color="#00FF00" size="+5">
                             <font color="blue">Â Â </font><%=answer%></font></h1>
                            <a href="<%=Id+1%>&pageName=3" >  <img src="images/next1.jpeg" width="90" height="30"/>  </a>
                        <% count++; } %>
                        <td width="20%" bgcolor="silver">
        <% } else if(pageName.equals("3")) { %>
              <div style="height: 600px;overflow: auto;" >
               <table border="0" width="100%" align="left" heighT="100%">
                       <td width="20%" bgcolor="silver">Â </td>
                       <td width="30%" height="30px" valign="center" align="center" background="">
                                 String vid = request.getParameter("tid");

                                 String zid = request.getParameter("cardtopicId");

                                  int id=Integer.parseInt(vid);
                                    List list = getCards.getCardsCardid(id);

                                         if (list.size() == 0)
                                <font size="9" color="red"><br><br><br><br>Â Â Â Â Â Â Sorry!No Question to view.</font>
                                            <%} else
                                                 int Id = 0, count=1;
                                                 String answer = null, question = null;

                                                 Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
                                                 if (iterator.hasNext())
                                                         Cards get = (Cards);
                                                         Id = get.getCardId();
                                                        question= get.getQuestion();
                                                         answer = get.getAnswer();

                          <h1> Â Â <a href="<%=Id%>&pageName=2"><%=question%></a></h1>
                          <a href="<%=Id+1%>&pageName=3&cardtopicId=<%=zid%>" >  <img src="images/next1.jpeg" width="90" height="30"/><h1> </h1> </a>
                        <% count++;  }
                                   } %>
                        <td width="20%" bgcolor="silver">


           <td height="10%" bgcolor="silver" align="center">CopyWrite@ebhasin</td>

PLEASE PLEASE !! TELL ME ITS SOLUTIONS. my email address is:

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