Pass value of rasio button from jsp page to action class(not conventional problem)


I have a jsp page that has code which goes ike this:

 <table border="1">

    <s:iterator value="scheduleList" status="stat" id="id">
                        <td><s:radio theme="simple" name="selectedOption" list="#{'optionA':''}"/></td>

    <!--<td><s:radio theme="simple" name="selectedOption"  list="#{'#id.eventId':''}"/></td> -->

                        <td><s:property value="#id.startTime" /></td>
                        <td><s:property value="#id.smallDesc" /></td>


    <s:submit value="Delete" action="deleteSchedule" /

here scheduleList is list data transfer object(DTO).DTO has 3 fields - eventId,startTime,smallDesc as fields. i want to delete selected data(through radio button) to be deleted On clicking 'delete' button . Hence I need to pass eventId as option in the list of radio button.because this eventId can be retrieved in action class using getter setter and hence corresponding data can be deleted. i have depicted what i want in the commented code(obviously commented code doesnt work). pease tell me the way .. hw to go.. i would appreciate if told about some better approach

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