Hi, Can any one explains or give me some example which gives me that how to start up spring web services. Thanks, mahi
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spring Web Services - Springspring Web Services Hi, Can any one explains or give me some example which gives me that how to start up
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Web Services
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Web ServicesWeb Services
services are
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and UDDI.
World Wide
Web Consortium (W3C) has defined
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Because of its innovative characteristics,
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Sample\Practice project on JSP and Web services Sample\Practice project on JSP and
Web services I wanted to implement\Practice a project using
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Please visit the following link:
Java Web Services Online TrainingJava
Web Services Online Training
Web Services online training enables students and learners to make
web based
services using Java and its... the various parts of Java
services. Covering entire one of the leading
open source web services tool javaOpen
web services tool in java
Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) is a simple Java API
for invoking
Web services, no
matter how or where the
services are provided