No message found under code 'label.username' for locale 'en_US'.


I have spring framework web application with a small form. This application is internatialized. Its working fine for German language but if we change the local to US English it throws following error:

No message found under code 'label.username' for locale 'en_US'.

What could the reason? How to resolve this error?


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October 4, 2019 at 12:19 AM


The error message:

No message found under code 'label.username' for locale 'en_US'.

Simply indicates that its not able to file the key label.username in the file.

Your application is running fine in German because it must be having key 'label.username' in the German locale file.

To resolve this error add label.username in the file.

For example:

label.username= User name must be entered.


October 4, 2019 at 12:21 AM


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