Spring Abstraction with Redis

Spring Abstraction with Redis

Hi.. I have implemented @Cacheable for one method like

@Cacheable("parameter1") public String getCompaniesList(String parameter1, String parameter2) throws Exception {



in config file configured like

<bean id="redisTemplate" class="org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate"   
<bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.data.redis.cache.RedisCacheManager" c:template-ref="redisTemplate"/>

still method is executing several times.can anyone answer why its not cached.

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Maven dependency for org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.4.3 is released. Learn to use spring-data-redis version 2.4.3 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-redis released The developers of   org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis project have released the latest version of this library... ( org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.4.3 ) in their Java project
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of spring-data-redis released The developers of   org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis project have released the latest version of this library... ( org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.4.7 ) in their Java project
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of spring-data-redis released The developers of   org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis project have released the latest version of this library... ( org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.4.8 ) in their Java project
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of spring-data-redis released The developers of   org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis project have released the latest version of this library... ( org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.5.0 ) in their Java project
Maven dependency for org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.5.1 is released. Learn to use spring-data-redis version 2.5.1 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-redis released The developers of   org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis project have released the latest version of this library... ( org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.5.1 ) in their Java project
Maven dependency for org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.3.9.RELEASE is released. Learn to use spring-data-redis version 2.3.9.RELEASE in Maven based Java projects
2.3.9.RELEASE of spring-data-redis released The developers of   org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis project have released the latest version... - spring-data-redis library is 2.3.9.RELEASE. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.4.10 is released. Learn to use spring-data-redis version 2.4.10 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-redis released The developers of   org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis project have released the latest version of this library... - spring-data-redis library is 2.4.10. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.5.11 is released. Learn to use spring-data-redis version 2.5.11 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-redis released The developers of   org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis project have released the latest version of this library... - spring-data-redis library is 2.5.11. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.6.1 is released. Learn to use spring-data-redis version 2.6.1 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-redis released The developers of   org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis project have released the latest version of this library... ( org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.6.1 ) in their Java project
Maven dependency for org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 3.0.0 is released. Learn to use spring-data-redis version 3.0.0 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-redis released The developers of   org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis project have released the latest version of this library... ( org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 3.0.0 ) in their Java project
Maven dependency for org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.7.6 is released. Learn to use spring-data-redis version 2.7.6 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-redis released The developers of   org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis project have released the latest version of this library... ( org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.7.6 ) in their Java project
Maven dependency for org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 1.7.9.RELEASE is released. Learn to use spring-data-redis version 1.7.9.RELEASE in Maven based Java projects
1.7.9.RELEASE of spring-data-redis released The developers of   org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis project have released the latest version... - spring-data-redis library is 1.7.9.RELEASE. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.6.3 is released. Learn to use spring-data-redis version 2.6.3 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-redis released The developers of   org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis project have released the latest version of this library... ( org.springframework.data - spring-data-redis version 2.6.3 ) in their Java project
