what is the use of Spring Framework


I am new to spring programming and want to learn it for application development. I have previous experience in development of web applications in JSP/Servlets and PHP frameworks. I am good at Java programming language and developed applications for companies.

Now I want to move on and learn more to get better job in the market.

So, want to learn the Spring framework.

First of all I want to know the real use of Spring framework.

Just guide me.


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November 22, 2020 at 9:10 AM


Spring Framework in Java is very popular framework that comes with many API's and tools for development of enterprise grade applications. It is used for the development of enterprise applications of various types for industries.

You can develop:

  • Console Applications
  • Scheduler Applications
  • Web applications
  • Big Data applications

with the Spring framework. If you are planning to make good career in enterprise Java applications then you must learn Spring Framework.


November 22, 2020 at 9:21 AM


You will find more details at:


November 22, 2020 at 10:43 AM


Check the usages of Spring framework at:

Complete tutorials of Spring framework can be accessed :


November 22, 2020 at 5:46 PM


You should know the Brief History of Spring Framework. It's first version was released in 2004 and science then this framework became one of the top Java framework for application development.

Here is the history of Spring Framework:

  • Spring framework was written by Rod Johnson and was first released in June 2002.
  • Spring last version release in March 2004
  • Spring 1.2.6 version release in 2006
  • Spring 2.0 version release in Oct 2006
  • Spring 2.5 version release in Nov 2007
  • Spring 3 version release in Dec 2009
  • Spring 3.1 version release in Dec 2011
  • Spring framework 4 version release in Dec 2013 with Java 8 support
  • Spring framework 4.2.0 version released on July 2015
  • Spring framework 4.2.1 version released in Sept 2015
  • Spring Framework 4.3 version released on 10 June 2016
  • Spring framework 5.0 version released on June 2017

So, Spring framework is over 1.8 decades old and currently very popular application development.


November 22, 2020 at 6:09 PM


Spring Framework is used for writing many different kinds of applications or services. Here are the list of uses of Spring Framework application development of different types:

For Developing Web Applications

Spring Framework comes with the Spring web and Spring MVC modules which is used for writing web applications that can serve dynamic content to the users. You can create dynamic HTML forms in Spring Framework and connect it with the serverside programs developed in Spring Framework.

For Developing RESTful webservices

Spring Framework comes with the different types of controller API which can be used for developing the RESTful webservices that can be consumed by applications developed in other technologies.

Securing Web Applications

You can use the Spring Security module of Spring Framework to secure web applications developed in Java. Spring Security supports LDAP, OAuth2 and custom security modules which can used for application security.

Database Driven Applications

You can develop web or console based applications in Spring Framework that can interact with the different types of databases for persisting the data. You can use pure JDBC or Spring JDBC templates for connecting to the databases.

Batch Processing applications

You can develop application for batch processing the Spring Batch module.

Unit Testing of applications

Spring comes with powerful API for writing Unit Tests for the applications.

Developing Microservices

Spring Framework can be used for developing and deploying microservices.

Check Spring Tutorials at: Spring Tutorials section.


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