I am working with spring jasper integration to generate the jasper reports. Spring 3.0.5RELEASE,ireport 4.5.0
I generated a report template using the ireport.My spring controller class is returning the view and i am using the view resolver in the dispatcher-servlet.xml.I placed the views.properties file in the classpath of my project to render the view in pdf format.The below lines of code i am using in the views.properties file.
packageWisePdfView.class=org.springframework.web.servlet.view.jasperreports.JasperReportsPdfView packageWisePdfView.url=/WEB-INF/packagewisereport1.jrxml
Where packageWisePdfView is my jsp name which is returned by the spring controller class.Using .class i am telling that render the pdf view.Using url i am telling where my jrxml is located.
Main thing is my packageWisePdfView.jsp is empty because i dont know what code i have to place over there.I am thinking that if i configure the view class in my views.properties file then it will automatically render the view to my packageWisePdfView.jsp.I dont know i am thinking in the correct way or not.But if i do like this i am getting the emptypage.Anything more i have to do.I am new to the jasper as well as spring also.Can any one help me regarding this.Please.....
packageWisePdfView.jsp is empty i dont know what to write over there.Its very urgent to me can anyone please help me....
Thanks In Advance...
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