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Send Email From JSP & ServletJ2EE Tutorial -
Send Email
From JSP &
As for sending mail
from webserver, using
JavaMail API, the following code shows
how the required data
such as '
from', 'to', 'subject' and 'message
regarding web.xml - JSP-Servletregarding
web.xml I am the java beginner, please
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How to use web.xml in Servlet 3.0How to use
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In this tutorial you will learn
how to use
web.xml in
Servlet 3.0.
Here I am giving the simple example of a
Servlet in which I make a simple
servlet class using @WebServlet annotaion
into which
How to send mail - JSP-ServletHow to
send mail Thanks a lot ODBC is cleared to me now. Now,have
another query about
how we can
send mail by using jsp. Actually i want to make a web
page for a user feedback ,it must be
send to our mail id
Populate values from html to another htmlPopulate values
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<form type=get action="
passing from 1 jsp to another - JSP-Servletpassing
from 1 jsp to another Hi Sir,
What are the ways and means of passing
from 1 jsp
page to
another page.what are the different types of methods? Hi Friend,
You can use tag,sedRedirect() method
how to send a mail - JSP-Servlethow to
send a mail Dear sir,
I am able to
send a mail.But...
public String sendMailWithAttachment(String
from, String to, String ccList...
how to get a matter as it is what am sending..please help me sir if any changes
web.xml - servlet - Java Beginners application. I was suggested to use tag in the
web.xml file to run that
web.xml - servlet Hi All,
In my web application, I have one
servlet that has to run automatically when ever I start my web application
JSP error page - JSP-ServletJSP
error page Hi i have 1000 of JSP. but we coded it without adding the .
but now i have to forward the
page to the specific
page when... or
web.xml is good. but thoes are trigged only when the exception thrown in the action
Calling a jsp page from ServletCalling a jsp
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How can I do this?
Suppose I have jsp
page aaa.jsp.
From aaa.jsp on form action I have made a call to a
servlet... List and data is being retrieve.
Now I want to pass this List to
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page how to call servlet from html page at anchor tag ?how to call
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page at anchor tag ? I have a very... to other
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it is not working properly.
I split and merge template.
In the header part of my
page i use
to bring checked data from one page to anotherto bring checked data
from one
page to another thanks for your help... jsp
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page with checkbox corresponding each
calling one jap page from another jsp pagecalling one jap
page from another jsp page i created a button in one jsp
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page as an action to that button. so
how can i call.. plz any one explain. its urgent
web.xml deployment descriptor - JSP-Servletweb.xml deployment descriptor Pls guide about
how to write the
web.xml file to deploy our web applications that uses JSP, by using tomcat... ...
servlet into
web.xml file.<!-- Hello World
Servlet --><servlet> <
Why <servlet-name> use in web.xml - JSP-ServletWhy <
servlet-name> use in
web.xml WHY DO WE USE THE <
HOW A simple program of using <
servlet loacation of errorpage in web.xml for 404 errorloacation of errorpage in
web.xml for 404 error The webpage cannot be found
HTTP 404
Most likely causes:
â?¢There might be a typing
error... can try:
Retype the address.
Go back to the previous
How to redirect from a HTML page?How to redirect
from a HTML
page? Hi,
Is it possible to redirect
from HTML
page to
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page and I want to redirect it to
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Hi you need to map the DispatcherServlet in
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calling one jsp from another jsp - JSP-Servletcalling one jsp
from another jsp Hi All,
In my web application... in two.jsp by using jsp declarative tag. Now
from one.jsp file I want to call... start
from where we call this two.jsp files method. i.e. in one.jsp file at line
SERVLET ERROR an internal
error () that prevented it
from fulfilling this request.
Error instantiating
servlet class ServletDemo... in
how to text send from list to textbox - Swing AWThow to text
send from list to textbox dear sir/madam
I whant to
send text
from list to textbox. plz give me solution for this problem. ... the technology you have used like JSP/
Servlet/Struts/JSF etc..