MY Sql Query Error - Not able to Understand the issue

I am new at MYSQL,I wrote simple query as follow:

CREATE Table tblFeedBack ( FeedBackID INT AUTOIncremeNT, UserID INT, InsertedTS TIMESTAMP , FeedBackValue VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY (FeedBackID) );


IF ((Select COUNT(*) From 'tblFeedback') < 3) BEGIN INSERT INTO 'tblFeedBack' (UserID,FeedBackValue) VALUES (UID,FBValue); END ELSE BEGIN DECLARE @MostRecentFID INT;

Select TOP 1 FeedBackID FROM tblFeedback WHERE UID = UID ORDER BY InsertedTS DESC INTO @MostRecentFID;

UPDATE tblfeedback SET FeedBackValue = @FeedBackValue Where FeedBackID = @MostRecentFID END END

I am getting an error as follow:

Schema Creation Failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''tblFeedBack' (UserID,FeedBackValue) VALUES (1,'12')' at line 9:

Can anyone please help me to solve this one ? Thanks in advance.

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