Importing data into sql plus from a text file...

How to import a text file into oracle 10g enterprise edition directly to create tables and data?

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Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.5 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.5 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.1.5. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.3 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.3 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.1.3. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.4 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.4 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.1.4. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.6 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.6 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.1.6. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.8 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.8 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.1.8. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.2.1 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.2.1 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.2.1. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.2.2-PRE1 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.2.2-PRE1 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.2.2-PRE1. Developer can use
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.2.2 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.2.2 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.2.2. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.3 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.3 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.3.3. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.4 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.4 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.3.4. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.3 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.3 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.3.3. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.1 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.1 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.3.1. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.4.6 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.4.6 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.4.6. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.2 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.2 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.3.2. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.2.4 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.2.4 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.2.4. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.0 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.0 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.3.0. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.4.3 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.4.3 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.4.3. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.6 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.6 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.3.6. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.4.4 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.4.4 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.4.4. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.4.5 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.4.5 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.4.5. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.4.2 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.4.2 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.4.2. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.4.1 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.4.1 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.4.1. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.5 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.3.5 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.3.5. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.2 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.2 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.1.2. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.1 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.1 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.1.1. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.0 is released. Learn to use spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql version 2.1.0 in Maven based Java projects
of spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql released The developers of   com.navercorp.spring - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql project have released the latest version... - spring-data-jdbc-plus-sql library is 2.1.0. Developer can use this version