using case in update statement

using case in update statement

i want to use case in update clause. i have used case in select stmt referring answer in this site. but the same syntax is not working for update problem is update emp set case deptno when 10 then 20 when 20 then 30 when 30 then 40 when 40 then 10 else 0 end where deptno in(10,20,30,40); But it is not working. slightly change in the syntax working but for first condition only update emp set deptno=(case when 10 then 20 when 20 then 30 when 30 then 40 when 40 then 10 else 0)end;

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November 13, 2010 at 3:57 PM

Hello Friend,

Try this:

update emp set deptno= case
   when deptno= 10
     then deptno* 20
when deptno= 20
     then deptno* 30
when deptno= 30
     then deptno* 40
when deptno= 40
     then deptno* 10
else deptno* 0


November 16, 2010 at 4:28 PM

thanks friend i got the query for case in update right.

with regards

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