store html value in the sqllite 3 php

i have a php script that will parse html page content link and view but i need to know how to store this content in the sqlite3 database any suggestion ?

include_once('simple_html_dom.php'); //PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser library  
$html = file_get_html('');  

// Find all article blocks
foreach($html->find('div.postbody') as $article) {
 $item['details'] = $article->find('div.content', 0)->innertext;
 $articles[] = $item;

try {

$db = new SQLite3('db/mysqlitedb.db');
$db->exec// what type of table should i create
$db->exec// how tell db to store html content from $articles
$result = $db->query('SELECT bar FROM gg');

    /* Close connections to Database */
    $db = NULL;

catch( PDOException $e ) 

    /* Print Error-Messages */
    echo $e->getMessage();
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