How to Addding 1 Year with PHP


I am very fresh in PHP language. I trying to create a small application about how to adding 1 year in specific date. Please suggest me.


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February 10, 2011 at 10:27 AM


In PHP provides method to add 1 year easily. The syntax given below will show how to add 1 year in php program. This may be help you to develop the application.

Example : ---


//Example to add 1 year to a date object

$currentDate = date("Y-m-d");// current date

//Display the current date
echo "Current Date: ".$currentDate."<br>";

//Add one year to current date
$dateOneYearAdded = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($currentDate)) . " +1 year");
echo "Date After adding one year: ".date('l dS \o\f F Y', $dateOneYearAdded)."<br>";


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