run php code online

Is it possible to run PHP Code online?
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November 28, 2011 at 5:28 PM

class createProjectFiles { private $createMinParts; private $createMaxParts; private $uniqueCarsCount; private $manufacturers; private $chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; private $parts = array(); private $vehicles = array(); private $vehicleNumbers = array(); private $uniquePartNumbers = array(); private $uniqueCars = array(); private $partTransactions;

public function __construct()
    $this->createMinParts = 500;
    $this->createMaxParts = 5000;
    $this->uniqueCarsCount = 50;    
    $this->partTransactions = 10; 

    $this->manufacturers = array
        'General Motors',
        'Darnier AG',

public function setMinParts( $min )
    $this->createMinParts = $min;

public function setMaxParts( $max )
    $this->createMaxParts = $max;

public function setMaxCarCount( $count )
    $this->uniqueCarsCount = $count;

public function createPartTransactions( $partTransactions )
    $this->partTransactions = $partTransactions; 

public function generateFiles()

    sort( $this->uniquePartNumbers );
    sort( $this->uniqueCars );
    sort( $this->vehicleNumbers );
    sort( $this->vehicles );



private function generateVehicleNumber()
    if( $this->uniqueCarsCount > 0 )
        // create random car
        $vehicleNumber = rand( 10000 , 99999 );
        $this->uniqueCars[] = $vehicleNumber;
        return sprintf( "%05s" , $vehicleNumber );
        // pick random existing car
        $vehicleNumber = $this->uniqueCars[ rand( 0 , count( $this->uniqueCars ) -1 ) ];
        return sprintf( "%05s" , $vehicleNumber );

private function generatePartNumber()
    $randomLetter1 = $this->chars[ rand( 0 , 25 ) ];
    $randomLetter2 = $this->chars[ rand( 0 , 25 ) ];
    $partNumber = rand( 1 , 99999 );

    return $randomLetter1 . $randomLetter2 . sprintf( "%05s" , $partNumber );

private function getExistingPartNumber()
    $randError = rand( 0 , 5 );

    if( $randError == 3 )
        //bogus part
        return "AA00000";
        return $this->uniquePartNumbers[ rand( 0 , count( $this->uniquePartNumbers ) - 1 ) ]; 

private function getExistingVehicleNumber()
    $randError = rand( 0 , 5 );

    if( $randError == 3 )
        //bogus car
        return "00000";
        $vehicleNumber = $this->uniqueCars[ rand( 0 , count( $this->uniqueCars ) -1 ) ];
        return sprintf( "%05s" , $vehicleNumber );

private function generateStock()
    for( $i = 0; $i < rand( $this->createMinParts , $this->createMaxParts ); $i++ )
        $partNumber = $this->generatePartNumber();
        $vehicleNumber = $this->generateVehicleNumber();

        $description = "--------dont care--------";
        $quatity = rand( 0 , 99999 );
        $price = rand( 10 , 999999 );
        $reorderL = rand( 0 , 999 );
        $reorderQ = rand( 0 , 99999 );
        $numparts = rand( 0 , 10 );

        if( in_array( $partNumber , $this->uniquePartNumbers ) )
            $part = array
                "partNumber" => $partNumber,
                "vehicleNumber" => $vehicleNumber,
                "description" => $description,
                "quatity" => sprintf( "%05s" , $quatity ),
                "price" => sprintf( "%06s" , $price ),
                "reorderL" => sprintf( "%03s" , $reorderL ),
                "reorderQ" => sprintf( "%05s" , $reorderQ ),
                "numSubparts" => sprintf( "%02s" , $numparts ),
                "part1" => '',
                "part2" => '',
                "part3" => '',
                "part4" => '',
                "part5" => '',
                "part6" => '',
                "part7" => '',
                "part8" => '',
                "part9" => '',
                "part10" => ''

            $this->parts[] = $part;

            if( !in_array( $vehicleNumber , $this->vehicleNumbers ) )
                $this->vehicleNumbers[] = $vehicleNumber;
                $this->vehicles[ $vehicleNumber ] = array( $vehicleNumber , "-- vehicle description --" , 
                    sprintf( "%20s" , $this->manufacturers[ rand ( 0 , count( $this->manufacturers ) - 1 ) ] ) );

            $this->uniquePartNumbers[] = $partNumber;

private function addSubstitutePartsToStock()
    // add substitute parts to the parts from the parts

    for( $t=0; $t < count( $this->parts ); $t++ )
        $thepart = $this->parts[ $t ];
        $numofsubparts = $thepart[ 'numSubparts' ];

        $ignoreDuplicates = array();

        for( $y =0; $y < $numofsubparts; $y++ )
            $rand = rand( 0 , count( $this->parts ) -1 );

            if( in_array( $this->parts[ $rand ][ 'partNumber' ], $ignoreDuplicates ) )
                $y = $y -1;
                $index = "part" . ( $y + 1 );
                $this->parts[ $t ][ $index ] = $this->parts[ $rand ][ 'partNumber' ];
                $ignoreDuplicates[] = $this->parts[ $rand ][ "partNumber" ];

private function writeStockFile()
    // bang out the stock master file

    $fp = fopen( "INAUTO-SMF.DAT" , 'w' );

    if( $fp )
        foreach( $this->parts as $part )
            fwrite( $fp , sprintf( "%-128s" , $part[ 'partNumber' ] . 
                    $part[ 'vehicleNumber' ] . 
                    $part[ 'description' ] . 
                    $part[ 'quatity' ] . 
                    $part[ 'price' ] . 
                    $part[ 'reorderL' ] . 
                    $part[ 'reorderQ' ] . 
                    $part[ 'numSubparts' ] . 
                    $part[ 'part1' ] . 
                    $part[ 'part2' ] . 
                    $part[ 'part3' ] . 
                    $part[ 'part4' ] . 
                    $part[ 'part5' ] . 
                    $part[ 'part6' ] . 
                    $part[ 'part7' ] . 
                    $part[ 'part8' ] . 
                    $part[ 'part9' ] . 
                    $part[ 'part10' ] ) . "\r\n" );

        fclose( $fp );

private function writeVehicleFile()
    $fp = fopen( "INAUTO-VEHICLE.DAT" , 'w' );

    if( $fp )
        ksort( $this->vehicles );
        foreach( $this->vehicles as $vehicle )
            fwrite( $fp , sprintf( "%-49s" , $vehicle[ 0 ] . $vehicle[ 1 ] . $vehicle[ 2 ] ) . "\r\n" );
        fclose( $fp );

private function writeTransFile()
    $fp = fopen( "INAUTO-TRANS.DAT" , 'w' );

    if( $fp )
        $partNumberTransactions = $this->createOrderedPartNumberlist();

        for( $partTrans = 0; $partTrans < count( $partNumberTransactions ); $partTrans++ )
            $i = 0;
            $records = array();
            $p = rand( 1 , 5 );

            while( $i < $p )
                $type = rand( 1 , 5 );

                switch( $type )
                    case 1:
                        $records[ "$type" ] = $this->createInsertion( $partNumberTransactions[ $partTrans ] );
                    case 2:
                        $records[ "$type" ] = $this->createDeletion( $partNumberTransactions[ $partTrans ] );
                    case 3:
                        $records[ "$type" ] = $this->createQuantity( $partNumberTransactions[ $partTrans ] );
                    case 4:
                        $records[ "$type" ] = $this->createAddSub( $partNumberTransactions[ $partTrans ] );

                    case 5:
                        $records[ "$type" ] = $this->createRemoveSub( $partNumberTransactions[ $partTrans ] );


            ksort( $records );

            foreach( $records as $key => $val )
                fwrite( $fp , sprintf( "%-129s" , $val ) . "\r\n" );
        fclose( $fp );

private function createOrderedPartNumberlist()
    $list = array();

    for( $i = 0; $i < $this->partTransactions; $i++ )
        if( $i % 5 > 0 )
            // choose existing part number
            $list[] = $this->uniquePartNumbers[ rand( 0 , count( $this->uniquePartNumbers ) - 1 ) ]; 
            $list[] = $this->generatePartNumber();

    sort( $list );

    return $list;

private function createDeletion( $part )
    return "2" . $part;

private function createQuantity( $part )
    return "3" . $part . sprintf( "%05s" , rand( 0 , 99999 ) );

private function createAddSub( $part )
    return "4" . $part . $this->getExistingPartNumber();

private function createRemoveSub( $part )
    return "5" . $part . $this->getExistingPartNumber();

private function createInsertion( $part )
    $partNumber = $part;
    $vehicleNumber = $this->generateVehicleNumber();

    $description = "--------dont care--------";
    $quatity = rand( 0 , 99999 );
    $price = rand( 10 , 999999 );
    $reorderL = rand( 0 , 999 );
    $reorderQ = rand( 0 , 99999 );
    $numparts = rand( 0 , 10 );

    $part = array
        "partNumber" => $partNumber,
        "vehicleNumber" => $vehicleNumber,
        "description" => $description,
        "quatity" => sprintf( "%05s" , $quatity ),
        "price" => sprintf( "%06s" , $price ),
        "reorderL" => sprintf( "%03s" , $reorderL ),
        "reorderQ" => sprintf( "%05s" , $reorderQ ),
        "numSubparts" => sprintf( "%02s" , $numparts ),
        "part1" => '',
        "part2" => '',
        "part3" => '',
        "part4" => '',
        "part5" => '',
        "part6" => '',
        "part7" => '',
        "part8" => '',
        "part9" => '',
        "part10" => ''

    $ignoreDuplicates = array();

    for( $y =0; $y < $numparts; $y++ )
        $randSubPart = $this->getExistingPartNumber();

        if( in_array( $randSubPart , $ignoreDuplicates ) )
            $y = $y -1;
            $index = "part" . ( $y + 1 );
            $part[ $index ] = $randSubPart;
            $ignoreDuplicates[] = $randSubPart;

    return  "1" . 
            $part[ 'partNumber' ] . 
            $part[ 'vehicleNumber' ] . 
            $part[ 'description' ] . 
            $part[ 'quatity' ] . 
            $part[ 'price' ] . 
            $part[ 'reorderL' ] . 
            $part[ 'reorderQ' ] . 
            $part[ 'numSubparts' ] . 
            $part[ 'part1' ] . 
            $part[ 'part2' ] . 
            $part[ 'part3' ] . 
            $part[ 'part4' ] . 
            $part[ 'part5' ] . 
            $part[ 'part6' ] . 
            $part[ 'part7' ] . 
            $part[ 'part8' ] . 
            $part[ 'part9' ] . 
            $part[ 'part10' ];


$creator = new createProjectFiles(); $creator->setMinParts( 500 ); // minimum amount of parts $creator->setMaxParts( 5000 ); // maximum amount of parts $creator->setMaxCarCount( 50 ); // after X cars, no new one will be gnerated and the old car numbers reused $creator->createPartTransactions( 120 ); // number of parts, may contain up to 3 transations per part $creator->generateFiles();

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