Related Tutorials/Questions & Answers:
custom uibutton programmaticallycustom uibutton programmatically Hi,
How to create
custom uibutton programmatically?
Please see the thread
UIButton custom programmatically.
UIButton custom programmaticallyUIButton custom programmatically Hi,
Please tell me how I can create
custom UIButton programmatically?
Tell me the best code for
uibutton custom...:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect];
Read more at: Create
UIButton Programmatically
Create UIButton ProgrammaticallyCreate
UIButton Programmatically
In this example we'll discuss about how to create a
UIButton in code.
This is a simple programming approach to create and add a button on UIView dynamically. To create a button
programmatically just
UIButton UIButton Hi,
Could anybody help me.
I have an array with buttons. Now I want to tell the method, that I want to press the second button... of the senders.tag?
- (void)trackSelect:(
UIButton *)sender
UIButton alloc initwithframeUIButton alloc initwithframe Hi,
How I can make button
programmatically? I think it is
UIButton alloc initwithframe, but I don't know how to use this to make my button?
Use the following code:
UIButton UIButton selectorUIButton selector Hi,
How to add selector to perform something when
UIButton is clicked?
UIButton checkboxUIButton checkbox iPhone
UIButton checkbox example required.. can any one please explain me.. how to create a checkbox button using
UIButton in XIB
UIButton Image SizeUIButton Image Size
In this example we are going to discuss about how to set image size and setting image as a
UIButton background.
We are doing it
programmatically. Just find the given code...
- (void)viewDidLoad
UIButton HighlightedUIButton Highlighted Hi,
I am writing an iPhone application. I have to show
UIButton Highlighted form my code. Tell me how to make an
UIButton Highlighted from Objective C code?
Use the appropriate
Getting UIButton by TagGetting
UIButton by Tag Example code for getting the
UIButton by id.
You can use the following code:
UIButton *myBtn = (
UIButton *)[self.view viewWithTag:1];
UIButton sender type castUIButton sender type cast Hi,
I want to type cast sender object into
UIButton. Please provide me code.
Its very easy to typecast the sender object into
UIButton. Please see the following
UIButton text colorUIButton text color Hi,
I have to change the text color of
UIButton to black. Give me best code for changing
UIButton text color to black.
UIButton Image Change but... in this
UIButton example everything is done
programmatically from creating...
UIButton Image Change
In this series of iPhone
UIButton examples, we are going to discuss about
UIButton and how to get the image changed on button clicks
id sender uibuttonid sender uibutton Hi,
I want to find which button is clicked based on the id sender when
UIButton is clicked.
Here is the code example:
UIButton* myButton = (
NSLog(@"Button tag
How to print UIButton idHow to print
UIButton id How to get the id of the button in the IOS application?
You can use the following code:
- (IBAction)btnClicked:(id)sender {
UIButton *button = (
UIButton *)sender;
UIButton setTitle forStateUIButton setTitle forState i was trying to change the
UIButton title for different State in my iPhone application.. can anyone please suggest.., how can i setTitle forState.
UIButton sender tagUIButton sender tag Hi,
How to get the tag of button? I have several buttons and one event is mapped to all the buttons, I want to get the
UIButton sender tag.
UIButton sender tagUIButton sender tag Hi,
How to get the tag of button? I have several buttons and one event is mapped to all the buttons, I want to get the
UIButton sender tag.
UIButton Wrap TextUIButton Wrap Text
UIButton Wrap Text - How can i warp the text in two lines? I have created the
UIButton Programatically.
OK ..i find it.
To Wrap Text in
UIButton .. UILineBreakModeWordWrap can be used. See
how to create uiwebview programmaticallyhow to create uiwebview programmatically How to create uiwebview
programmatically in iPhone application?
Given is the code that will create the WebView
programmatically in iPhone..
CGRect webFrame = CGRectMake(0.0
iPhone SDK Multiple UIButton to create multiple
UIButton programatically. I know how to create button and i have... requirement is to create multiple
UIButton's according to number of items available... Creating a
UIButton *myButton = [
UIButton buttonWithType
uibutton touch up event uibutton touch up event
UIButton event "Touch up inside" under Gesture is not working in my app ..
[button addTarget:self action...;This is how you can add gesture to your
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add a UIButton to UINavigationBaradd a
UIButton to UINavigationBar In any new iPhone Navigation Based application, how can we add a
UIButton to UINavigationBar?
UINavigationBar only accepts UIBarButtonItems, see the code below to add
UIButton sender tagUIButton sender tag HI,
How find which button is clicked... this:
- (void) buttonPress:(id)sender{
NSLog(@"Button pressed");
UIButton* myButton = (
NSLog(@"Button Tag is: %d",myButton.tag
UIButton action exampleUIButton action example HI,
How i can capture the Button click action? What to write the .h and .m file?
Here is the code that you can write in .h file:
(void) buttonPress:(id)sender;
Creating UIView ProgrammaticallyCreating UIView
The example will show you how to create a UIView
In the previous example, we have illustrated you how...
Code to create UIView ProgrammaticallyADS_TO_REPLACE_1
- (void
custom navigation bar in iphonecustom navigation bar in iphone How can i create a
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programmatically or if i can do it in Interface builder.
setBackgroundImage UIButtonsetBackgroundImage
In this example, we are going to discuss about how to set the background image to a
UIButton in iPhone.
In the iPhone application.... To set the background image of
UIButton follow the given method... ADS
UIButton setTitle:forState:UIButton setTitle:forState:
setTitle:forState: is the method of
UIButton Class, which is used to set the title of the
UIButton for different states...;.ADS_TO_REPLACE_1
Title: is a text that will be displayed on the
UIButton custom exceptioncustom exception Explain the process of creating
custom exception and handling it.
Please visit the following link:
custom exception
Custom skinCustom skin Hi.....
How can I make a
custom skin for focusSkin property of component?
please give me an example for that so i can clearly understand.....ADS_TO_REPLACE_1
you need to set the focusSkin
How can I change UIButton title color?How can I change
UIButton title color? Hi,
I have a button in my iPhone/iPad application. I want to change the color of the text when user clicks on it making it selected.
Provide me good example code.
custom validationcustom validation there are fields.if we fill in first field as 1.then next field only allow to fill a,b,c,d.other letters cannot enter.if enter send error.i used this method.