I am facing the problem at the time of Defining NSlog Function in Iphone Applications. Can anybody suggest or provides NSLog() related informtion? I will welcome your valuable suggestions...........
Related Tutorials/Questions & Answers:
NSLog function in IphoneNSLog function in Iphone Hi,
I am facing the problem at the time of Defining
NSlog Function in
Iphone Applications. Can anybody suggest or provides
NSLog() related informtion? I will welcome your valuable suggestions
NSLog examplesProgrammers uses the
NSLog function to debug the application.
NSLog function is used to display the debug messages on the console. The
NSLog function is very useful in debugging the
iPhone applications.
In this
NSLog tutorial series we
Formatting the out put in NSLog function the
NSLog function.
Here is the example of formatting int, float, double... mlong=30;
-(void) print{
NSLog(@"The value of integer num..._TO_REPLACE_6
NSLog(@"The value of Long number is %i", mlong);
Printing the String value using NSLog function the
NSLog function.
In the following code example we will show you how you can easily output the value of NSString variable using the
NSLog function...;;
NSLog(@"process Name: %@ Process ID: %d",string
NSLog float example codeThe following code example of
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iPhone application to test and debug the code.
Here is the code example of
NSLog function NSLog print NSString example codeFollowing example prints the value of NSString object on the console using the
NSLog function which can be used to debug the
iPhone application.
// ...;
NSLog(@"process Name: %@ Process ID: %d",string);
NSLog double example codeThe following code examples explains how one can print the value of double using
NSLog function.
// PrintDouble.h
// DataTypes
NSLog(@"double value is: %f"
NSLog NSInteger example codeThe following code example prints the value of NSInteger object using the
NSLog function.
// PrintNSInteger.h
// DataTypes
#import <... PrintNSInteger
-(void) print
NSLog(@"NSInteger value
NSLog Date example codeIn this following code we have create a variable to of NSDate class and then used the
NSLog function to print the date on the console.
// ...; today= [NSDate date];ADS_TO_REPLACE_5
NSLog long example codeThe following code prints the long value on the console using the
NSLog function.
// PrintLong.h
// DataTypes
#import <..._TO_REPLACE_6
-(void) print
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