How to create upload video application for smart mobile phones? I need the following features in the application:
a) User should be able to take video from mobile phone
b) User should be able upload the video on my server
c) User should be able to save the video and then upload later
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<FORM...;center><td colspan="2"><p align="center"><B>
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upload using youtube api sir,
as u have asked for my
Upload imageUpload image Hai i beginner of Java ME i want code to capture QR...://
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How to upload videos on YouTube and make money?.
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Steps to
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Step 4: Drag and drop the
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Upload File"><br>
private String email;
private String
FileItem fitem3
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upload form to the user</TITLE></HEAD>
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UPLOAD THE FILE</B><center><
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<p>else { </p>
<p>out.println("unsucessfull to
upload...;<TITLE>Display file
upload form to the user</TITLE></HEAD>...;B>
UPLOAD THE FILE</B><center></td>
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