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How I can check if
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Following code can be used to validate the user input in iPhone and iPad applications
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NSString *myS = [NSString stringWithFormat
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[super viewDidLoad
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Here is the steps to achieve this:
Make the view controller as delegate of
UITextField and then
add the following
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Struts2 blank application - StrutsStruts2
blank application Hi
I am new to struts2 and i am trying to run the strutsblank application by following the following Link;
As per the instructions given
Running problem with NoughtsAndCrossesGame in blankRunning problem with NoughtsAndCrossesGame in blank Hi i was having problem created NoughtsAndCrossesGame in end the it works but i runs the gui in
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* To change this template, choose
Validaton(Checking Blank space) - SpringValidaton(Checking
Blank space) Hi i am using java springs .I am having problem in doing validation.
I am just checking
blank space.
This is my controller. I named it salescontroller.
package controller;
MySQL Blank FieldMySQL
Blank Field
This example illustrates how to find
Blank field by the MySQL Query.
In the table 'example' two t_count fields are
blank and we find both field
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blank space in input field - Java Beginnersblank space in input field I retrieved the fields from my mysql table...If the field contains null value i want to display a
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u r help
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used to create a
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becomeFirstResponder UITextFieldbecomeFirstResponder
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Basically, in this application we... will check if the first text field is
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Trim String Example;
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spaces. For removing the
blank spaces use trim()
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Validator in Flex4Validator in Flex4:
The Validator class validates the text field value. If
the text is
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Download Struts Download Struts from
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javajava write a program to accept strig from user and find out vowel,
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hide keyboard iphone
- (BOOL)textFielsShouldReturn:(
UITextField *)textField {
[textField resignFirstResponder];
return YES;
Where textField is the object of your
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resign first responder keyboard)textFieldShouldReturn:(
UITextField *)textField {
[textField resignFirstResponder... in it:
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(
UITextField *)textField {
echo "1=True and
Blank=False".is_null... and
echo "1=True and
XML validationXML validation Hi,
I want to validate the XML file. If there is any
blank or white space in the XML file, It should throw error message
iPhone Text Field Border UITextField *textField; ADS_TO_REPLACE_2
UITextField *textField1;
UITextField *textField2