code for programming

One fine day, Jack decided to complete his summer vacation assignment, to draw the view of the city which he gets from his roomâ??s window. He tried so many times but he was not able to differentiate between the buildings. So he decided to ask you to make a program which will give him the horizon [an outline of land and buildings defined against the sky] coordinates of the city. Suppose there are N rectangular buildings in a 2-dimensional city and your computer program will compute the horizon of these buildings, eliminating hidden lines. His main purpose behind this is to view the buildings from a side and remove all sections that are not visible. Considering city to be in plain land and all buildings share common ground. Every building is represented by triplet (Length, height, breath). â??Length: is x coordinate of left side (or wall). â??Height: is height of building. â??Breath: is x coordinate of right side Consider building illustrated below is represented as (1, 11, 5) i.e. Length = 1, Height = 11 and Breadth= 5.

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October 11, 2015 at 4:37 PM

Why should we?

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