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Registration page with JavaScript Validation Registration page with
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Registration page with
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Registration page in HTML with
JavaScript Validation source code
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JavaScript > < check the name is string or number & if the name number output error >> and the same of email and birthday and country >> <
javascript validationjavascript validation my problem is following code is my form i want
validation and for email field it will check formate useing regularexpressions.
<script src="combovalidate1.js" type="text/
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javascript validations to check whether the entered primary key is present in the database or not .Iam using jsp language
javascript validationjavascript validation How to do
javascript validations to check whether the entered primary key is present in the database or not .Iam using jsp language
JavaScript Email Validation
JavaScript Email
In this section we are going to check email
Validation using
JavaScript allows to perform a client side
validation of email Ids in several
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Here my problem is i have to validate in
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javascript validationjavascript validation I need to validate password with following...;/script>
<script language="
function...;<INPUT id=register type=button value=Submit name=Submit onclick='
javascript javascript for websites url validationjavascript for websites url validation
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JavaScript Code for URL
**function isvalidurl(url)
return url.match(/^(ht|f)tps?:\/\/[a-z0-9-.]+.[a-z]{2,4}\/?([^\s<
Javascript validation codeJavascript validation code Hi,
I need a
javascript validation code for the following fields
6)Product type
7)submit button
All should display enter the field required(like name required
Javascript validation codeJavascript validation code Hi, I need a
javascript validation code for the following fields
1)Name 2)Email 3)Mobile 4)City 5)State 6)Product type 7)submit button
All should display enter the field required(like name required
Alphanumeric Validation in JavaScriptAlphanumeric
Validation in
In this tutorials we will discuss about alphanumeric
validation in
JavaScript. Sometimes it may occur when user have... box named
registration number in which we have
validated it using
JavaScript javascript regex validation alphanumericjavascript regex
validation alphanumeric How to write
javascript regex
validation for alphanumeric?
<title> alphanumeric
validation using regex</title>
<script type="text
javascript regex validation emailjavascript regex
validation email How to write
JavaScript regex
validation for email?
validation using regex</title>
<script type="text/
simple javascript validation for numberssimple
javascript validation for numbers simple
javascript validation for register number
Here is a html code that accepts number from...;
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Validation probs in javascript page if
validation fails. Thanks s advance...
Validation probs in javascript This is my sports1.jsp file
page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
combox validation javascript code - JSP-Servletcombox
validation javascript code hiiiiiii,
I want a
javascript code for combobox field
validation for my Lotus Notes web
thnx Hi
This is the source code of combobox
validation in
javascript yyyy-mm-dd validation in javascriptyyyy-mm-dd
validation in javascript My form return value like (2011-10-05)yyyy-mm-dd ... my End date greater than my start date..
How to do
validation in
javascript Javascript validation - Java BeginnersJavascript validation Hi
I have developed the following function for the
validation of Zip code,the problem is, when user enters the valid zip code in first attempt, the background color of text box changes to green while I
Form Validation with JavaScript Form
Validation with JavaScript I created a simple form including nine or ten fields in HTML, and i want to validate it in
JavaScript. How can i do it?
Thanks!! Hi Friend,ADS_TO_REPLACE_1
Try the following code
Javascript validation - Java BeginnersJavascript validation Hi,
this is ragav and my doubt is:
I am having a input type="file" text box in which the user can browse the required... or not in
javascript? plz urgent..
Hi Friend,
Try the following code
javascript form validationjavascript form validation How to validate radio button , dropdown list and list box using onsubmit event..please give me a sample example..If we do not select any option,it shows an error..
Hello Friend,
how to create a login page and registration page?how to create a login
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pls tell me the code for how we can create a login
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page for form registration I am creating web
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PHP JavaScript form Validation - PHPPHP
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JavaScript form
Validation. How can I write external
JavaScript Validation? Please suggest! Hi Friend,
1) form
Enter Name
Enter Address
javascript-email validation - Java Beginnersjavascript-email validation give the detail explanation for this code:
if (str.indexOf(at)==-1 || str.indexOf(at)==0 || str.indexOf(at)==lstr... about email
validation at:
javascript date validation using regexjavascript date
validation using regex Hi,
I want to validate the date using
javascript. Please help.
<title>Validating Date format</title>
<script type="text/
web page for form registration to my departmentweb
page for form
registration to my department I am creating web
page for form
registration to my department ..I have to Reprint the Application Form (i.e Download the PDf File from the Database ) , when the user gives
Login page validation on ipadLogin
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JavaScript without using OB?
page content
if(!empty($_GET['purpose']) && $_GET['purpose'] == "email") {
$message = ob_get
start date and end date validation in javascript - Ajaxstart date and end date
validation in javascript hi, i am doing web... validations in
javascript. end date should be greater than start date if so less than... in google and i got some scripts but it is not good
login page validationlogin
page validation hi
could you please send me code for login validations Email
validation and password email should be in correct format and valid password in java
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.
html code for student registration form that resets all fields to blank. We have used
JavaScript validation... explained you how to make html
for student
registration and validate it with
JavaScript is used to
validate the HTML
page in web
JavaScript navigate to page
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In this section, you will learn how to navigate from
page to another using
JavaScript. For this purpose, we have created two html
pages navigatePage.html
JavaScript password validationJavaScript password
We are going to discuses about
JavaScript password special characters
validation. In this
example we have created one "... used
JavaScript password
validation and
check for an alphabet , number
JavaScript - JavaScript Tutorial in
Validation with
In this lesson you will learn form
validation in
... functions via
Conditionally navigating the user to a
page JavaScript - JavaScript Tutorial in
Validation with
In this lesson you will learn form
validation in
... functions via
Conditionally navigating the user to a
page javascriptjavascript Hi deepak,
how to write form
validation on
javascript URL validation in JavaScriptURL
validation in
In this tutorial we are going to discuss, how to validate a URL in
Java Script is a Scripting language. A Java Script language is a lightweight
programming language.
JavaScript code are written