DOJO+Creating button of same size.

I am trying to create two buttons in DOJO of equal size. But the size of the buttons varies depending upon the name of the button that will get displayed. I tried by giving a class atribute but it did not workout. Could any one help?

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June 14, 2011 at 3:56 PM

Just create your own css class "yourButton" and add this class to your diji.form.Button. You could add the class also with dojox.html.insertCssRule. At this class you could set the size from your button.

.yourButton.dijitButton .dijitButtonNode{ width: 100px !important; margin:3px 0px 0px -2px !important; line-height:20px; }

.djie .yourButton.dijitButton .dijitButtonNode,.djwebkit .dialogButton.dijitButton .dijitButtonNode{ width:100px !important; }

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