using list iterator create student details

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May 4, 2009 at 11:40 AM

Hi Friend,

First of all we would like to tell you that you can not perform comparison on the Class objects therefore for sorting the class Objects we have to first fetch them and then after sorting them according to some specific values we would have to add them into another list to print them.

Here we are sending you a sample code which will describe you how to create Student class and add its properties to the List .

import java.util.*;

class Student{
private int roll;
private String name;
private int marks;

public void setRoll(int roll){
this.roll = roll;
public int getRoll(){
return roll;

public void setName(String name){ = name;
public String getName(){
return name;

public void setMarks(int marks){
this.marks = marks;
public int getMarks(){
return marks;

public class SortStudents
public static void main(String args[]){
List stu= new ArrayList();
Student st1= new Student();
Student st2= new Student();
Student st3= new Student();
ListIterator listItr =(ListIterator)stu.listIterator();
Student stud =(Student);
System.out.print(" "+stud.getRoll());
System.out.print(" "+stud.getName());
System.out.println(" "+stud.getMarks());

Hope that this will help you in solving your problem.

RoseIndia Team

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