August 26, 2011 at 6:20 PM
Overloading and Overiding are pratical implementation of OOPs Concept.
In Simple words, Same function name but different signature(Parameters)
For Example:
To Add 2 integers
Add(int i, int j)
To add two string
Add(string i, string j)
Depending on the signature(parameters) of the calling function, respective function would be called. if you pass 2 string parameter second function would be called
and if you pass two integer parameter first function would be called.
Same Function Name, same signature, different functionality.
Example for overriding
Class Shapes
Virtual void Paint()
Class Circle:Shapes
Override void Paint()
Class Square:Shapes
Override void Paint()
Here in the above code we can see that the shapes is class which has a method Paint, which would paint according to the shape of the object each object would implement
the paint method differently based on its dimensions.
Related Tutorials/Questions & Answers:
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SCJP Module-4 Question-5) { ...}
Is the method
overloading correctly used(in the above code) ? Choose
correct option :
1.Correct , method
overloading is used
2.Correct ,method
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with example Hi Friend,
Overloading... arguments whereas Method
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overriding and method
I am sending a link. This link will help... method invocation and virtual method invocation is also known as method
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How can we correct the above code ?
1. By placing
overriding method into subclass.
2. By changing the type of the arguments of
overriding method.
3. By replacing
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4. By changing
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javajava i want the codings of transport services using the concept of abstract classes and methods,static members,inheritance,
overriding concepts,constructor
Hi Friend,
Please specify some more details
Real time examples - Java BeginnersReal time examples what is method
overloading concept in java and explain with real time examples? Hi Friend,
Please visit the following links:
SCJP Module-4 Question-7 ,
overloading is correct.
2.Yes ,
overriding is correct.
overriding... :
overriding method must not limit access more than the overridden method i.e.
javajava 01)state 3 restrctions in
overriding a method.
02)can you..., argument list, and return type.
overriding method may not limit the access of the method it overrides.
overriding method may not throw any exceptions
SCJP Module-4 Question-8 :
1. No ,
overloading is not perfectly implemented.
2. No ,
Overriding is not implemented correctly.
3. Yes,
Overriding is implemented correctly.
4. Will give compile error.
Answer :
Explanation :
overriding method must
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Thanks Always Remember
overloading occurs only in Same Class
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public void show(){
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Overriding - same method names with same arguments and same return...();
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PHP Polymorphism Function
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Compile time polymorphism PHP is like function
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overloading we can create more than... call .ADS_TO_REPLACE_1
In operator
overloading predefined operators treat
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2. Method
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Overloading :-
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class Rectangle{
int l, b;
float p,
public Rectangle(int x
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overloading means having multiple methods with
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supported through the method
overloading concept in java.
overloading means having multiple methods with
same name... is determined at the run time. The example of run time polymorphism is method
overriding Java as an Object Oriented Language at the compile time. Compile time polymorphism is
supported through the method
overloading concept in java. ADS_TO_REPLACE_7
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overriding. When a subclass contains a method
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JavaScript Array;
Java method
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