where singleton class used in java

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singleton class in struts  hi, This balakrishna, I want to retrive data from database on first hit to home page in struts frame work
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singleton class in struts  hi, This balakrishna, I want to retrive data from database on first hit to home page in struts frame work
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Java Singleton Pattern
In this section, you will learn about singleton pattern in Java
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Maven dependency for org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.1.2.Final is released. Learn to use wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.1.2.Final in Maven based Java projects
; org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.1.2.Final java...-clustering-singleton-api released The developers of   org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api project have released the latest version
Maven dependency for org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 12.0.0.CR1 is released. Learn to use wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 12.0.0.CR1 in Maven based Java projects
; org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 12.0.0.CR1 in Java... - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 12.0.0.CR1 java library in your...-clustering-singleton-api released The developers of   org.wildfly
Maven dependency for org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 27.0.0.Alpha3 is released. Learn to use wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 27.0.0.Alpha3 in Maven based Java projects
of wildfly-clustering-singleton-api released The developers of   org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api project have released the latest version...-clustering-singleton-api library is 27.0.0.Alpha3. Developer can use
Maven dependency for org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 27.0.0.Alpha1 is released. Learn to use wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 27.0.0.Alpha1 in Maven based Java projects
of wildfly-clustering-singleton-api released The developers of   org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api project have released the latest version...-clustering-singleton-api library is 27.0.0.Alpha1. Developer can use
Maven dependency for org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.1.1.Final is released. Learn to use wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.1.1.Final in Maven based Java projects
; org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.1.1.Final java...-clustering-singleton-api released The developers of   org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api project have released the latest version
Maven dependency for org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.1.0.Final is released. Learn to use wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.1.0.Final in Maven based Java projects
; org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.1.0.Final java...-clustering-singleton-api released The developers of   org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api project have released the latest version
Maven dependency for org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.1.0.Beta1 is released. Learn to use wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.1.0.Beta1 in Maven based Java projects
; org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.1.0.Beta1 java...-clustering-singleton-api released The developers of   org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api project have released the latest version
Maven dependency for org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.0.1.Final is released. Learn to use wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.0.1.Final in Maven based Java projects
; org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.0.1.Final java...-clustering-singleton-api released The developers of   org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api project have released the latest version
Maven dependency for org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.0.0.Final is released. Learn to use wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.0.0.Final in Maven based Java projects
; org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 26.0.0.Final java...-clustering-singleton-api released The developers of   org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api project have released the latest version
Maven dependency for org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 24.0.0.Beta1 is released. Learn to use wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 24.0.0.Beta1 in Maven based Java projects
; org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 24.0.0.Beta1 java...-clustering-singleton-api released The developers of   org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api project have released the latest version
Maven dependency for org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 23.0.2.Final is released. Learn to use wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 23.0.2.Final in Maven based Java projects
; org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 23.0.2.Final java...-clustering-singleton-api released The developers of   org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api project have released the latest version
Maven dependency for org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 23.0.1.Final is released. Learn to use wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 23.0.1.Final in Maven based Java projects
; org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api version 23.0.1.Final java...-clustering-singleton-api released The developers of   org.wildfly - wildfly-clustering-singleton-api project have released the latest version