How to print "X",Â?"Y","Z" in console as shown below, user can enter any of these
letters, or combination of letters, or all the letters as first parameter,
second parameter will be a number
which should be odd number minimum of 3 and maximum of unlimited,
example of second input parameter is 3, 5, 7, etc.
Also it is expected to design the logic to cater other alphabets in future implementation.
For Example : if a user give letters like this X, Y, Z
and a number like 3, the output must be combination of Astricks(*).
Output of X is: * * same as remaining.
* *
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print $str; ?>
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Hi Friend,
You can try the following code:ADS_TO_REPLACE_1
import java.util.*;
public class InitialName {
public static void main(String
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void main
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