Please find me a solution that

Write a java program that calculates the area of rectangular, square,

triangular, and circle.

Your program must have the following:

  1. Two classes named "Area" and "AreaTest".

  2. Class "Area" has the following:

a. Void Square Method with one parameter which is length of


b. Void Rectangle Method has two parameters which are

width and height.

c. Void Triangle Method has two parameters which are base

and vertical height.

d. Void Circle Method has one parameter which is radius.

You must use Math.PI and Math.pow() function for your


e. One Void Display Method to print out the calculation result

for all methods (Square, Rectangle, Triangle, and Circle). For

example, if I want to print the area of rectangle, you have to

pass the result as a parameter to Display Method to print it

out. There is one System.out.printf() in this method and

must be as following format:

System.out.printf("The Area of %s is %s" ,str,result);

str = any of these words: Square, Rectangle, Triangle ,or


Result = the result of the method calculation.

f. Do not use Instance Variable for your program.

  1. Class "AreaTest" has the following:

a. Switch statement that maintains accessing each of the

method in (a),(b), (c), and (d) stated above in class "Area"

b. 'For statement loop' to keep the user running your program

until he enters number '5' to exit the program.

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May 16, 2012 at 4:14 PM

The given code calculates the area of square, rectangle, triangle and circle. It allow the user to enter their choice. It then takes the user request and display the result accordingly.

import java.util.*;

class Area 
public static double square(double side){
    double area=side*side;
    return area;
public static double rectangle(double width,double height){
    double area=width*height;
    return area;
public static double triangle(double base,double height){
    double area=(base*height)/2;
    return area;
public static double circle(double radius){
    double area=(Math.PI)*(Math.pow(radius,2));
    return area;
public static void display(String str,double result){
    System.out.println("The Area of "+str+" is: "+result);

class AreaTest{
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        boolean exit=false;
        String str=" ";
        Scanner input=new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("1 Square");
        System.out.println("2 Rectangle");
        System.out.println("3 Triangle");
        System.out.println("4 Circle");
        System.out.println("5 Exit");

        System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");
        int choice=input.nextInt();
            case 1: 
              System.out.print("Enter side: ");
              double s=input.nextDouble();

            case 2: 
              System.out.print("Enter width: ");
              double w=input.nextDouble();
              System.out.print("Enter height: ");
              double h=input.nextDouble();

            case 3:
              System.out.print("Enter base: ");
              double b=input.nextDouble();
              System.out.print("Enter height: ");
              double ht=input.nextDouble();

            case 4:
              System.out.print("Enter radius: ");
              double r=input.nextDouble();

            case 5:


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