Difference between C++ and Java

Basic difference between C++ and Java

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February 25, 2008 at 1:11 PM

Although both are object oriented programming language and Java was derived from C++ but still there is big difference between these two languages.

You can see the actual difference once you start programming on it.

But here i am going to give you few differences between these two...

1. Java does not support operator overloading

2. A class definition in Java looks similar to a class definition in C++, but there is no closing semicolon.

3. Forward reference declarations are not required in Java.

4. Scope resolution operator (::) required in C++ is but not in Java.

4. In C++ you have to re-declare static data members outside the class but such things are not required in Java


February 25, 2008 at 1:27 PM

First of all
Java, which emulates or imitates OOP?s principle, is very much similar to C++, but in C++ programming can be done without making objects.

Java is a high level language as both compiler and Interpreter for analyzing and execution of program no matter C++ too uses the same.

Java is a high-level powerful programming language, which provides user a powerful secure and safe software platform.
This is because due to feature of its translator that is JVM which where ever installed and on any platform understands the same byte code

In C++ due to absence of automatic garbage collection mechanism problems like memory leaks and much development time is been taken for coding., which is not seen in case user do java programming as java has its own automatic garbage collection mechanism.

Java is platform Independent whereas C++ is platform dependent.
To learn Beginner?s Java, Java Core and its sideways Editions Check at http://www.Roseindia.net/java


April 28, 2012 at 10:36 AM

Please view this link for complete difference:

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