The program will use the JOptionPane and ask the user to enter any number between 1 to 12.
Based on the input, then the program will show how many days in that month. For example if the user enters 1, the program will show â??The Month you entered is January and it has 31 daysâ??. The output will be shown in the JOptionpane.
[In this program use try and catch block to handle any unacceptable and invalid input from the user]
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Please send the code as soon as possible.
valarmathi Hi Friend,
Try the following code:
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import javax.swing.*;
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JOptionPane icon is used to create the icon you want to display.
Though there are four standard
JOptionPane roov the
JOptionPane and ask the user to enter any number between 1 to 12.
Based on the input... daysâ??. The output will be shown in the
Now modify...??February has 28 daysâ??. Again, the output should be shown in
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JOptionPane and ask...??. The output will be shown in the
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Please send the sample code.
This is very urgent.please help me.