
Description of java.util Package

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February 24, 2008 at 6:29 PM

Brief description of java.util Package

The Java util package contains the collections framework, legacy collection classes, event model, date and time facilities, internationalization, and miscellaneous utility classes

The util package of java provides many utility classes and interfaces for easy and fast manipulation of in-memory data. These classes are very important and its study is very important. You must learn all the java utility packages classes and interfaces.

The classes and interfaces in utility package are:

* Collection
* Comparator
* Enumeration
* EventListener
* Iterator
* List
* ListIterator
* Map
* Map.Entry
* Observer
* RandomAccess
* Set
* SortedMap
* SortedSet

* AbstractCollection
* AbstractList
* AbstractMap
* AbstractSequentialList
* AbstractSet
* ArrayList
* Arrays
* BitSet
* Calendar
* Collections
* Currency
* Date
* Dictionary
* EventListenerProxy
* EventObject
* GregorianCalendar
* HashMap
* HashSet
* Hashtable
* IdentityHashMap
* LinkedHashMap
* LinkedHashSet
* LinkedList
* ListResourceBundle
* Locale
* Observable
* Properties
* PropertyPermission
* PropertyResourceBundle
* Random
* ResourceBundle
* SimpleTimeZone
* Stack
* StringTokenizer
* Timer
* TimerTask
* TimeZone
* TreeMap
* TreeSet
* Vector
* WeakHashMap

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