modifier and specifier

what is diff between Access modifier and specifier?
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access modifier - Java Interview Questions
modifier including the defualt modifier.  Hi Friend, Access Modifiers: Public Modifier- The public members can be accessed anywhere by any class or package. Private Modifier- The private members can only be accessed within
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the question:- what is difference between specifier and modifier?   Hi Friend, The access specifier determines how accessible the field is to code in other... optionally declare a field with an access specifier keyword: public, private
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previleges to outside applications or users The access specifier determines how... with an access specifier keyword: They are : public, private, or protected. Access.... You can optionally declare a field with a modifier keyword: e.g final
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is %i", num);   //for integer the format specifier is %iADS...; //for Long the format specifier is also %i NSLog(@"The value of float num is %.2f", _num);   //for float the format specifier is %f and we
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java what is the use of transient,native and volatile access modifier  1.what is the use of transient,native and volatile (access modifier)? 2.why are we using MVC modle in our java project
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;No modifier (default)  The classes and members specified in the same package...;public  The classes, methods and member variables under this specifier..., methods and member variables under this modifier are accessible by all subclasses
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the access level permitted by each specifier. Specifier class subclass
to ensure portability. The modifier was added to the Java programming language... the modifier strictfp to make sure that calculations are performed as in the earlier versions?only with floats and doubles. The modifier can be combined
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modifier of Inner class as "private" i.e., private class Inner{ } then after...$1.class" if I change the access modifier? Thanks in advance for your suggestions
and all the scopes are as under: Modifier Can... be invoked by the owner class. No Modifier It also works as same
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the same class.    protected: This modifier... : Its not a keyword. When we don't write any access modifier
Java Programming Code HELP
static final int READING_ACCESS_SPECIFIER = 6; private static final int... = READING_ACCESS_SPECIFIER; continue; } else if (token.equalsIgnoreCase( "PUBLIC" )) { scanState = READING_ACCESS_SPECIFIER