Jfreechart setting Legends

i am using JfreeChart in my web app. for creating charts.I am trying to make the legends as vertical in Stacked bar chart. Does anybody know How to set the legends in any graph as vertical...????

please reply me if you know it...thanks in advance.....

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June 10, 2010 at 4:36 PM

Hi Friend,

Try the following code:

<%@page import="org.jfree.ui.*"%>
<%@page import="org.jfree.chart.*"%>
<%@page import="org.jfree.data.category.*"%>
<%@page import="org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation"%>
DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
dataset.addValue(10, "Girls","Chess");
dataset.addValue(15, "Boys", "Chess");
dataset.addValue(17, "Girls","Cricket");
dataset.addValue(23, "Boys","Cricket");
dataset.addValue(25, "Girls","FootBall");
dataset.addValue(20, "Boys","FootBall");
dataset.addValue(40, "Girls","Badminton");
dataset.addValue(30, "Boys","Badminton");
dataset.addValue(35, "Girls","Hockey");
dataset.addValue(32, "Boys","Hockey");

final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart(
"Stacked Bar Chart Demo 1",
ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(new File("C:/chart.jpg"), chart, 400, 300);
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("Problem in creating chart.");
ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);
chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(500, 270));
ApplicationFrame f=new ApplicationFrame("Chart");



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