Hello sir I have store Double Type Value in MS Access Databse,but when I search Record then it Gives Round Figure Value related with Percentage and
I want to Store and Retrieve Mobile Number with MS access Database,plz Help Me Sir.
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double type value to byte
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This program will take a
double value from console and provide the conversion
to byte
type. The line... the mydouble
double type value to mybyte
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type value.
This program will take a
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to char
type. The line... the mydouble
double type value to mychar
type data.
Conversion from long to double a long
type value to
type value.
This program will take... the mylong long
value to mydouble
double type value.
import... from long
type to
double type---");
System.out.println("Enter long
type value Conversion from float to double a float
type value to
type value.
This program will take a float
value from console and provides a conversion
double type data...); converts the myfloat float
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type value.
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to mydouble
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Code Description:ADS
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I want change this code to insert data into PostgreSql
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but i getting...){
out.println("Couldn't load
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Statement st