stacks in java

i am doing a program that i have to finish it before monday so i only have tomorow to finish it. it about the stacks im designing the role of spider card game. i have to move more than one card together from one column to another i can move one card usinf pop and push method but if its more that one card togther for example if i want to move 6,5 and 4 to put it in another column in the top of 7. i dont know what to use to move them together. this is the method that im having the problem with currently it moves one card to another columna and only if its in the right order and then if the column is empty then it has to add only jack or bigger card. then the part where im have problem with which to move a list of cards together. please i need help urgently..... thank you

* @pre 0<=c<7 (i.e. the index of the source column is within range)
* && 0<=d<7 (i.e. the index of the target column is within range)
* && 0<=i<columns[c].size() (i.e. the index i is within range)
* && the i-th card in the c-th column is face up
* @post If the rules permit, the i-th card of the c-th column has
* been moved onto the bottom of the d-th column, (along with any
* cards displayed below it), leaving all other cards where they were.
* If the rules do not permit this move, all cards are left
* where they were before.

public void moveCardBetweenColumnsIfPossible(int c, int i, int d){

CardStack stack = new CardStack();

if (columns[d].isEmpty()&& columns[c].peek().getRank()>=Card.JACK){
Card move=columns[c].pop();

if (((!columns[d].isEmpty()&& columns[c].peek().getRank()==columns[d].peek().getRank()-1))&& (!columns[c].peek().getColour().equals(columns[d].peek().getColour())))
Card value=columns[c].pop();

// to move a list of cards together i is the selected card and d is the destination where you want to move the card to and c is the coloumn

for( int I = columns[c].size() - 1 ; I >= i ; I--)

Card card = columns[c].peek();





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