November 25, 2008 at 1:30 AM
Hi friend,
Code to solve the Problem :
class InsertWord
public static String insertWord(String sentence, String word, int position)
String sentenceAr[] = sentence.split(" ");
String strAr[] = new String[sentenceAr.length+1];
String stringResult=" ";
System.out.println("position : " + position);
strAr[0] = word;
stringResult +=" "+strAr[0];
for(int i=1;i<strAr.length;i++)
strAr[i] =sentenceAr[i-1];
stringResult +=" "+ strAr[i] + " ";
else if(position!=0)
for(int i=0;i<position;i++)
strAr[i] =sentenceAr[i];
stringResult +=" "+ strAr[i];
strAr[position] =word;
stringResult +=" "+ strAr[position];
for(int i=position+1;i<strAr.length;i++)
strAr[i] =sentenceAr[i-1];
stringResult +=" "+ strAr[i];
return stringResult;
public static void main(String[] args)
String sentence ="Hello World";
String word ="Roseindia";
int position = 2;
System.out.println(insertWord(sentence, word, position));
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