B+ tree JAVA source code for implementing Insertion and Deletion

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November 15, 2008 at 12:05 AM

Hi friend,

public class BinarytreeDemo{
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println(new BTreeDemo().Start());

class BTreeDemo {

public int Start(){
Tree root;
boolean bool;
int nti;

root = new Tree();
bool = root.Init(16);
bool = root.Print();
bool = root.Print();
System.out.println("After Inserting data is! ");
bool = root.Insert(8);
bool = root.Insert(24);
bool = root.Insert(40);
bool = root.Insert(12);
bool = root.Insert(20);
bool = root.Insert(28);
bool = root.Insert(14);
bool = root.Insert(25);
bool = root.Insert(25);
bool = root.Print();

System.out.println("Search value is: " + root.Search(24));
System.out.println("Search value is: " + root.Search(12));
System.out.println("Search value is: " + root.Search(16));
System.out.println("Search value is: " + root.Search(50));
System.out.println("Search value is: " + root.Search(12));
System.out.println("Search value is: " + root.Search(25));
System.out.println("After deleting data! ");
bool = root.Delete(12);
bool = root.Delete(25);
bool = root.Print();
System.out.println("Delete value is: " + root.Delete(12));
System.out.println("Delete value is: " + root.Delete(25));
return 0 ;


class Tree{
Tree left ;
Tree right;
int key ;
boolean has_left ;
boolean has_right ;
Tree my_null ;

// Initialize a node with a key value and no children
public boolean Init(int v_key){
key = v_key ;
has_left = false ;
has_right = false ;
return true ;

// Update the right child with rn
public boolean SetRight(Tree rn){
right = rn ;
return true ;

// Update the left child with ln
public boolean SetLeft(Tree ln){
left = ln ;
return true ;

public Tree GetRight(){
return right ;

public Tree GetLeft(){
return left;

public int GetKey(){
return key ;

public boolean SetKey(int v_key){
key = v_key ;
return true ;

public boolean GetHas_Right(){
return has_right ;

public boolean GetHas_Left(){
return has_left ;

public boolean SetHas_Left(boolean val){
has_left = val ;
return true ;

public boolean SetHas_Right(boolean val){
has_right = val ;
return true ;

// This method compares two integers and returns true if they are equal and false

public boolean Compare(int num1 , int num2){
boolean bool ;
int nti ;

bool = false ;
nti = num2 + 1 ;
if (num1 < num2) bool = false ;
else if (!(num1 < nti)) bool = false ;
else bool = true ;
return bool ;

November 15, 2008 at 12:06 AM

// Insert a new element in the tree
public boolean Insert(int v_key){
Tree new_node ;
boolean bool ;
boolean cont ;
int keyValue ;
Tree cNode ;

new_node = new Tree();
bool = new_node.Init(v_key) ;
cNode = this ;
cont = true ;
while (cont){
keyValue = cNode.GetKey();
if (v_key < keyValue){
if (cNode.GetHas_Left())
cNode = cNode.GetLeft() ;
else {
cont = false ;
bool = cNode.SetHas_Left(true);
bool = cNode.SetLeft(new_node);
if (cNode.GetHas_Right())
cNode = cNode.GetRight() ;
else {
cont = false ;
bool = cNode.SetHas_Right(true);
bool = cNode.SetRight(new_node);
return true ;

// Delete an element from the tree

public boolean Delete(int v_key){
Tree cNode ;
Tree parent_node ;
boolean cont ;
boolean found ;
boolean is_root ;
int keyValue ;
boolean bool ;

cNode = this ;
parent_node = this ;
cont = true ;
found = false ;
is_root = true ;
while (cont){
keyValue = cNode.GetKey();
if (v_key < keyValue)
if (cNode.GetHas_Left()){
parent_node = cNode ;
cNode = cNode.GetLeft() ;
else cont = false ;
if (keyValue < v_key)
if (cNode.GetHas_Right()){
parent_node = cNode ;
cNode = cNode.GetRight() ;
else cont = false ;
else {
if (is_root)
if ((!cNode.GetHas_Right()) &&
(!cNode.GetHas_Left()) )
bool = true ;
bool = this.Remove(parent_node,cNode);
else bool = this.Remove(parent_node,cNode);
found = true ;
cont = false ;
is_root = false ;
return found ;

// Check if the element to be removed will use the, righ or left subtree if one exists

public boolean Remove(Tree p_node, Tree c_node){
boolean bool ;
int auxkey1 ;
int auxkey2 ;

if (c_node.GetHas_Left())
bool = this.RemoveLeft(p_node,c_node) ;
if (c_node.GetHas_Right())
bool = this.RemoveRight(p_node,c_node) ;
else {
auxkey1 = c_node.GetKey();
auxkey2 = (p_node.GetLeft()).GetKey() ;
if (this.Compare(auxkey1,auxkey2)) {
bool = p_node.SetLeft(my_null);
bool = p_node.SetHas_Left(false);
else {
bool = p_node.SetRight(my_null);
bool = p_node.SetHas_Right(false);
return true ;

public boolean RemoveRight(Tree p_node, Tree c_node){
boolean bool ;

while (c_node.GetHas_Right()){
bool = c_node.SetKey((c_node.GetRight()).GetKey());
p_node = c_node;
c_node = c_node.GetRight() ;
bool = p_node.SetRight(my_null);
bool = p_node.SetHas_Right(false);
return true ;

public boolean RemoveLeft(Tree p_node, Tree c_node){
boolean bool;

while (c_node.GetHas_Left()){
bool = c_node.SetKey((c_node.GetLeft()).GetKey());
p_node = c_node ;
c_node = c_node.GetLeft() ;
bool = p_node.SetLeft(my_null);
bool = p_node.SetHas_Left(false);
return true ;

November 15, 2008 at 12:07 AM

// Search for an elemnt in the tree
public int Search(int v_key){
boolean cont ;
int ifound ;
Tree cNode;
int keyValue ;

cNode = this ;
cont = true ;
ifound = 0 ;
keyValue = cNode.GetKey();
if (v_key < keyValue)
if (cNode.GetHas_Left())
cNode = cNode.GetLeft() ;
else cont = false ;
if (keyValue < v_key)
if (cNode.GetHas_Right())
cNode = cNode.GetRight() ;
else cont = false ;
else {
ifound = 1 ;
cont = false ;
return ifound ;

// Invoke the method to really print the tree elements
public boolean Print(){
Tree cNode;
boolean bool ;

cNode = this ;
bool = this.RecPrint(cNode);
return true ;

// Print the elements of the tree
public boolean RecPrint(Tree node){
boolean bool ;

if (node.GetHas_Left()){
bool = this.RecPrint(node.GetLeft());
} else bool = true ;
if (node.GetHas_Right()){
bool = this.RecPrint(node.GetRight());
else bool = true ;
return true ;


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