java 9 32 bit download


I am trying to install JDK with installer it its giving following error:

The version of this file not compatible with version of Windows you're running. ?Check your computer's system information to see weather you need x86(32-bit) or x64(64-bit) version of the program, and then contact software publisher.

What is this issue?

How o get get Java 9 32 Bit download?


View Answers

November 3, 2017 at 11:08 PM


Oracle is releasing 64-bit version of JDK only. That's whey its not available.

Platform    CPU Architecture    Version Introduced In   Notes
Windows Server 2016 x64 (64-bit)        9    
Windows Server 2012 R2  x64 (64-bit)        9    
Windows Server 2012 x64 (64-bit)        9

So, 32 bit installer is not available.

I you have 32 bit operating system you won't be able to install JDK 9.


November 3, 2017 at 11:10 PM


Chief Java Architect Mark Reinhold Twitted:

"Sorry, but we have no plans to ship 32-bit builds of JDK 9. We?re trying to focus more on the future than the past."

So, there won't be any 32-bit version of JDK 9.


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