What type of programming language is Java?


What type of programming language is Java? Why anyone should learn Java?

What is Java and what features?


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April 28, 2017 at 7:30 PM


Java is Object Oriented, platform independent, general purpose, high level programming language which supports development of mobile, desktop, console based, Server side and embedded applications.

Why use Java?

Developer uses Java for developing enterprise applications for clients. It helps to develop many different types of applications.

This language is very popular due to simplicity and availability of many APIs for application development.

Online community support is also easily available through internet.

What are the features of Java?

Java is platform independent language and once compiled it can run on any platform.

Check Java Features.


March 7, 2021 at 1:38 PM


Java is object oriented high level programming language that is developed to hide the complexity of C++ programming language.


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