I have learned to setup Java and create first program. I want to know the Basic Java Language Elements.
What are Basic Java Language Elements?
Which is good tutorials of Java Language Elements?
Here are the details of Basic Java Language Elements:
Comments are used for commenting a part of source code. Example of comments:
inline /* ... */
end-of-line // ...
javadoc /** ... */
2. Literals
You can read more at Java Literals page.
3. Identifiers
Read full details at Java - Identifier and primitive datatype in Java.
4. Punctuation
Example are:
operators = + - * / %
== != < >=
separators . , ;
grouping () [] {}
Check tutorial at Basic Java Language Elements.
All Java tutorials at Java Tutorials and examples.
You should also learn following topics:
Java Keywords - Java keywords are reserved and you can't use it for creating the variables in your program.
Java Comments - Learn how to comment your Java code?
Java Data Types - Learn the data types in Java.
Java Literals - Lear to use the literals in Java.
Classes in Java - What are classes in Java and how to create a Class in Java?
Interface in Java - How to create and use Interface in Java?
Introduction to Java Arrays - You must learn arrays in Java very well.