Maven dependency for Spring Web MVC 4.0.1.RELEASE


What is the Maven dependency for Spring Web MVC 4.0.1.RELEASE?


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October 20, 2015 at 1:52 AM


You can use the following dependency in your pom.xml file:


This dependency will download the following jar files:

[INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (11 KB at 5.3 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (3 KB at 1.4 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (7 KB at 3.9 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (645 KB at 101.8 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (941 KB at 118.5 KB/sec) [INFO] Downloading: [INFO] Downloaded: (649 KB at 139.7 KB/sec)


October 24, 2015 at 3:16 AM

Check the video:


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