Check Digit Question not able to solve..

Hi, I need some help asap. I been stuck for this question for more than 3 days. Using Java.

User needs to key in identification number (e.g. U0906931E) system check for the first prefix either 'U' || 'A'.

If its 'U' then it removes the first, last and the third digit. (096931) the result is then multiplied to {0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 7} Answer is then sum up. The answer is divided by 13. The value is check against the check digit table.

If its 'A' then the alphabets are removed with balanced with 7 digits then they are summed up. The answer is divided by 13. The value is check against the check digit table.

To display the id entered, the sum and remainder Then it goes thru a data validation to validate input.

Need help in how to convert the string of data to integers?

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