A. Input Requirements 1. Include a prompt that allows the user to enter a command from the following four options, repeating the process of displaying the menu screen until the user has selected â??quit.â?? â?¢ add a business contact â?¢ add a personal contact â?¢ display contacts â?¢ quit 2. Include a prompt that allows the user to enter the following identifiable information when the â??add a business contactâ?? command is selected: â?¢ first name â?¢ last name â?¢ address â?¢ phone number â?¢ e-mail address â?¢ job title â?¢ organization
Note: You are not required to store the contact information as persistent data in a database.
B. Output Requirements 1. Display the results to the user on screen in a readable and descriptive format (e.g., System.out) by doing the following: a. Display all contactsâ?? first and last names when the â??display contactsâ?? command is selected. b. Include a numeric key for each contact that will be used to invoke the method that displays the contact details. 2. Include a prompt that allows the user to enter the numeric key to display all details of the contact in a readable and descriptive format (e.g., System.out, output to a text file using FileWriter). a. Identify contacts by type when displaying the details of a contact: business or personal.
C. Design Requirements 1. Demonstrate use of collections (e.g., TreeSets, ArrayList). 2. Demonstrate use of encapsulation. 3. Demonstrate use of inheritance by doing the following: a. Create one abstract class. b. Create two subclasses. 4. Demonstrate use of polymorphism by overriding a method of the abstract class in both subclasses (i.e., method that displays contact details).