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java program 1java program 1 (4) WAP to take input of a String and check wheather it is valid number or not?
Sample Output1:
Enter a String : 10
10 is a number
Sample Output2:
Enter a String : 10b1
10b1 is not a number
(5) WAP to take
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1 Hi,
please help me!!!! How can i code in
java using... 96 102 109 120
You will be using a 2-D Array to write this
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Hi Friend,
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Hi Friend,
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Try the following code:
import java.util.*;
class MergeArray{
public static int[] merge(int [] ... arr) {
int arrSize = 0
Prime Number program in JavaPrime Number
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1 Hi sir, i facing problem in this
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Here are my question..
Write a
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?A sentence is constructed with a series of words?
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1 hi there, Sir! Can u help me check where my
program gone wrong?
here are my coding =D, hope to get reply from u guys soon... =
JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Enter mark
1", "Homework 8",JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE
Java programming 1 - Java BeginnersJava programming
1 Thx sir for reply me ^^ err how bout if using scanner class or further method to solve that code? instead of using array? ...://
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1 thx sir for reply me..but sir can u pls simplify it? cos the answer is not up to my requirement regarding the BMI index...; Hi friend,
1. Ask the user for their height. Convert it to a double
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... in
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