You are to create a game called â??Get Out of My Swampâ??. In this game an ogre, called â??Hekâ??, wanders around his swamp, if he encounters an ogre enemy in his swamp he kills it. If he encounters two ogre enemies in the same place they kill the ogre and the game ends. Full details of the game are given below. There is a sample session from a game given at the end of the coursework. The swamp can be thought of as a four by four grid.
When the game starts the ogre is placed in a random square (i.e. part of the swamp). However he must not be placed in the top left hand corner of the swamp when the game starts, although he can move there during the game. When the ogre moves, he can move to ANY(Diagonally as well) of the neighbouring squares as shown below. The ogre cannot move out of the swamp.The square the ogre moves to is chosen at random from all the possible squares that it can move to. There are three types of ogre enemies that can inhabit HEkâ??s swamp; a snake, a parrot and a donkey. There is a hole in the fence around Hekâ??s swamp in the top left corner and this is where the enemies enter the swamp. Once in the swamp the enemies move in exactly the same way as the ogre; i.e. they move randomly to any of the neighbouring squares.
Every time Hek moves there is a one in three chance of an enemy entering the swamp, the type of enemy is completely random.
Although there are only three types of enemies. new types of enemy may be available in the future. You should take this into account when coding your solution.
If the ogre moves into the same square as an enemy, the ogre kills the enemy and the enemy is removed from the swamp. If the ogre moves into the same square as two or more enemies, the enemies kill the ogre and the game is over.
If the ogre is still alive and the user chooses not to make another move the game state should be saved using serialization. When the program starts the user should have the option of loading saved data or starting a new game. It should be possible to change the size of your swamp by simply changing one integer in your program. You should incorporate both the singleton pattern and the observer pattern into your game. If you cannot see an obvious place for the patterns in the game you may extend the specification of the game in any way in order to incorporate the patterns.
Please provide me with the solution as soon as possible because i need to demonstrate the same on monday 12th august. Thanking You. Purav
Test it and let me know about it. Seems to be working for me, not sure if I am on missing on any of the requirements.
package getoutofmyswamp; import*; /**main class :: Controls the game * @author Shasankar */ public class GetOutOfMySwamp { //main presents the user with main menu public static void main(String[] args) { UIHelper ui = new UIHelper(); String input; do{ input = ui.getUserInput("\n\tGet Out Of My Swamp" + "\n\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" + "\nNew Game(N)" + "\nLoad Game(L)" + "\nSettings(S)" + "\nExit(E)" + "\nUser Choice?? "); switch(input){ case "N": startNewGame(); break; case "L": loadGame(); break; case "S": changeSettings(); break; case "E": break; default: System.out.println("Invalid Input! Try Again"); } }while(!input.equals("E")); } //save game using serialization public static void saveTheGame(Game theGame){ try{ ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream (new FileOutputStream("")); os.writeObject(theGame); os.close(); }catch(IOException e){ System.out.println("IOException " + e); } } //load the game using deserialization public static void loadGame(){ Game theGame = null; try{ ObjectInputStream os = new ObjectInputStream (new FileInputStream("")); theGame = (Game) os.readObject(); os.close(); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception " + e); } if(theGame.start()) saveTheGame(theGame); } //start a new game public static void startNewGame(){ Settings gameSettings = null; Game theGame; try{ ObjectInputStream os = new ObjectInputStream (new FileInputStream("")); gameSettings = (Settings) os.readObject(); os.close(); theGame = new Game (gameSettings.getGridOrder(),gameSettings.getNewEnemies()); }catch(Exception e){ theGame = new Game(); } if(theGame.start()) saveTheGame(theGame); } //user can control order of the grid & introduce new enemies public static void changeSettings(){ UIHelper ui = new UIHelper(); Settings gameSettings = new Settings(); String input = null,gridOrder = null; int intGridOrder; do{ input = ui.getUserInput("\n\tSettings" + "\n\t~~~~~~~~" + "\nGrid Order(G)" + "\nAdd New Enemies(A)" + "\nExit(E)" + "\nUser Choice?? "); switch(input){ case "G": do { gridOrder = ui.getUserInput ("Enter Grid Order (must be > 2): "); intGridOrder = Integer.parseInt(gridOrder); if (intGridOrder<=2) System.out.println("Try Again Dude"); }while(intGridOrder<=2); gameSettings.setGridOrder(intGridOrder); break; case "A": gameSettings.addNewEnemies (ui.getUserInput("Enter Your Deadly Enemy: ")); break; case "E": break; default: System.out.println("Invalid Input! Try Again"); } }while(!input.equals("E")); try{ ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream (new FileOutputStream("")); os.writeObject(gameSettings); os.close(); }catch(IOException e){ System.out.println("IOException " + e); } System.out.println("Warning::Changes will take effect for New Game"); } }
package getoutofmyswamp; import*; /**character class :: Character properties & behaviors * @author Shasankar */ public class Character implements Serializable{ private String name; private int row,col,bounds; //constructor for enemies since they start at (0,0) public Character(String name,int bounds){ = name; this.row = 0; this.col = 0; this.bounds = bounds; } //constructor for ogre which can start at any location except (0,0) public Character(String name,int row,int col,int bounds){ = name; this.row = row; this.col = col; this.bounds = bounds; } //toString override public String toString(){ return (name + " at (" + row + "," + col + ")\t"); } //character movements //return true if movement possible else false public boolean moveUp(){ if((row-1) >= 0){ row--; return true; }else return false; } public boolean moveDown(){ if((row+1) < bounds){ row++; return true; }else return false; } public boolean moveLeft(){ if((col-1) >= 0){ col--; return true; }else return false; } public boolean moveRight(){ if((col+1) < bounds){ col++; return true; }else return false; } public boolean moveUpRight(){ if((col+1) < bounds && (row-1) >= 0){ col++; row--; return true; }else return false; } public boolean moveDownRight(){ if((col+1) < bounds && (row+1) < bounds){ col++; row++; return true; }else return false; } public boolean moveDownLeft(){ if((col-1) >= 0 && (row+1) < bounds){ col--; row++; return true; }else return false; } public boolean moveUpLeft(){ if((col-1) >= 0 && (row-1) >= 0){ col--; row--; return true; }else return false; } //equals override for checking if characters are at same grid position public boolean equals(Character c){ if((row==c.row) && (col==c.col)) return true; else return false; } }
package getoutofmyswamp; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.Random; import java.util.ArrayList; import*; /**game class :: The real game is executed here * @author Shasankar */ public class Game implements Serializable{ private Character Ogre; private ArrayListEnemies; private ArrayList typesOfEnemies; private String[] moves = {"U","D","R","L","UR","DR","DL","UL"}; private UIHelper ui = new UIHelper(); private int moveNo,gridOrder; public Game(){ this(4,new ArrayList ()); } public Game(int gridOrder,ArrayList newTypesOfEnemies){ int rand = (new Random().nextInt(gridOrder * gridOrder - 1)) + 1; int row = rand / gridOrder; int col = rand % gridOrder; Ogre = new Character("Ogre",row,col,gridOrder); Enemies = new ArrayList (); typesOfEnemies = new ArrayList (); typesOfEnemies.add("Snake"); typesOfEnemies.add("Parrot"); typesOfEnemies.add("Donkey"); for(String enemy:newTypesOfEnemies) typesOfEnemies.add(enemy); moveNo = -1; this.gridOrder = gridOrder; } //start the game public boolean start(){ boolean validInput = false; String input = null; int newEnemyAtMoveNo = 0; do{ displayCharPositions(); if(!checkOgreAlive()){ System.out.println("Ogre Dead!!"); return false; } input = ui.getUserInput("\n\tMove Ogre" + "\n\t~~~~~~~~~ " + "\nUp(U)/Down(D)/Left(L)/Right(R)" + "\nUpRight(UR)/DownRight(DR)/DownLeft(DL)/UpLeft(UL)" + "\nExit(E)" + "\nUser Choice?? "); validInput = moveCharacter(Ogre,input); if(!validInput){ if(!input.equals("E")) System.out.println("Invalid move! Try Again"); } else { moveNo ++; System.out.println("Move No.: " + (moveNo+1)); moveEachEnemy(); if(moveNo % 3 == 0) newEnemyAtMoveNo = new Random().nextInt(3); if(moveNo % 3 == newEnemyAtMoveNo) enterNewEnemy(); } }while(!input.equals("E")); input = ui.getUserInput("Save the game?(Y/N): "); if(input.equals("Y")) return true; else return false; } //display current position of the characters public void displayCharPositions(){ System.out.print("\n" + Ogre ); for(Character c:Enemies) System.out.print(c); System.out.print("\n"); } //a new enemy appears into the grid throught the hole public void enterNewEnemy(){ String charName = typesOfEnemies.get(new Random().nextInt(typesOfEnemies.size())); Enemies.add(new Character(charName,gridOrder)); } //each enemy moves in random direction public void moveEachEnemy(){ String move; for(Character c:Enemies){ do move = Array.get(moves, new Random().nextInt(8)).toString(); while(!moveCharacter(c,move)); } } //move a character public boolean moveCharacter(Character c,String move){ switch(move){ case "U": return c.moveUp(); case "D": return c.moveDown(); case "L": return c.moveLeft(); case "R": return c.moveRight(); case "UR": return c.moveUpRight(); case "DR": return c.moveDownRight(); case "DL": return c.moveDownLeft(); case "UL": return c.moveUpLeft(); default: return false; } } //check if the ogre is alive //return true if alive else false public boolean checkOgreAlive(){ int enemiesEncountered = 0; Character defeatedEnemy = null; for(Character c:Enemies){ if(Ogre.equals(c)){ enemiesEncountered++; defeatedEnemy = c; } if (enemiesEncountered > 1) return false; } if(enemiesEncountered == 1){ System.out.println("Ogre killed the " + defeatedEnemy ); Enemies.remove(defeatedEnemy); } return true; } }
package getoutofmyswamp; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; /**settings class :: This class has settings like order of the grid * & additional enemies added by the user. * @author Shasankar */ public class Settings implements Serializable{ private int gridOrder; private ArrayListnewTypesOfEnemies; public Settings(){ gridOrder = 4; newTypesOfEnemies = new ArrayList (); } //getter for grid order public int getGridOrder(){ return gridOrder; } //getter for new enemies public ArrayList getNewEnemies(){ return newTypesOfEnemies; } //set user defined grid order public void setGridOrder(int gridOrder){ this.gridOrder = gridOrder; } //add user defined enemy to the list of enemies public void addNewEnemies(String newTypeOfEnemy){ newTypesOfEnemies.add(newTypeOfEnemy); } }
package getoutofmyswamp; import*; /**input class :: This class helps to get user inputs. * @author Shasankar */ public class UIHelper implements Serializable{ public String getUserInput(String prompt){ System.out.print(prompt); try{ BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; return br.readLine(); }catch(IOException e){ System.out.println("IOException" + e); } return null; } }
Hey bro thanks for the answer but there are many errors in it. Have you checked it bro ??? If not then please chck and leme know. Thanx a ton , cheers !!!
ofcorse 'bro' .. its running giving the desired output. what errors? can u plz detail rather than saying "there are many errors in it".
errors with move function stating that it cannot take input as a string and it shld b a int or enum. Some more errors as well but i dnt remember bro. Do one thing try 2 run your this prog in eclipse and see d errors u get. watsay ??? As i dnt hv a laptop @ home so i can only access eclipse in d uni so untill i go can you please check it for me ??? Thanks 4 ur help.