write a java program that implements the following classes:

write a java program that implements the following classes: A) a) Point in the Cartesian coordinate system. b) Circle with a given center and radius c) Cylinder with a given center, radius and heigth. d) Sphere with a given center and radius

The super class is the point class. circle is a subclass of the point class and cylinder and spere are subclasses of the circle class. All these classes should implements the following methods

1)getArea() method. 2)getVolume() method.

B)A class Called: RandomNumberGenerator that generate random numbers from 1 to 100

C)A class Test that tests the hierarchy in A) especiaaly the getArea() and getVolume() methods. Use an object from the Random NumberGenerator class to generate your input test data.

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June 3, 2013 at 11:17 AM

 * @author JavaWithUs 
 * www.javawithus.com
class Point {

    int x;
    int y;

    public Point(int x, int y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

class Circle extends Point {

    int radius;

    public Circle(int x, int y, int radius) {
        super(x, y);
        this.radius = radius;

    public double getArea() {
        return Math.PI * radius * radius;

class Cylinder extends Circle {

    int height;

    public Cylinder(int x, int y, int radius, int height) {
        super(x, y, radius);
        this.height = height;

    public double getVolume() {
        return getArea() * height;

    public double getArea() {
        return super.getArea() * 2 + (2 * Math.PI * radius * height);

class Sphere extends Circle {

    int z;

    public Sphere(int x, int y, int z, int radius) {
        super(x, y, radius);
        this.z = z;

    public double getArea() {
        return 4 * Math.PI * radius * radius;

    public double getVolume() {
        return 4 / 3 * Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 3);

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